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Showing 61-70 of 74 results

Mass dismissals at Rio Tinto in Madagascar

31 July, 2013The sharp decline in commodity prices in the international market is being felt in the mining sector in Madagascar, as Rio Tinto QMM’s subcontractor Omega plans to stop operations at Fort-Dauphin.

Italian unions join forces in ‘Labour and Democracy’ rally

27 June, 2013On Saturday 22 June after ten years of separate national agreements the three biggest Italian union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL joined their forces in San Giovanni square of Rome.

International premiere of “Working Class Heroes”

11 June, 2013FNV Mondiaal will screen the international premiere of “Working Class Heroes”, at the ILO on 13 June, a documentary uncovering the struggles of trade unionists in Indonesia and Colombia.

Pact on decent jobs signed in Tunisia

17 January, 2013Tunisian workers mark the second anniversary of the revolution that put an end to the regime of President Ben Ali with a benchmark agreement on the creation of decent jobs.

14 November - Day of Action and Solidarity against austerity

13 November, 2012Trade unions across Europe took to the streets yesterday for an angry day of action, 14 November, in a united front rejecting the antisocial austerity measures spreading throughout the continent.

Workers invade streets in London

25 October, 2012150,000 people came to London on 20 October 2012 to participate in union-organized actions against austerity imposed by the government.

Sri Lankan trade unions act to protect social security fund

18 October, 2012Trade unions in Sri Lanka have taken legal action to question the government’s move to invest the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) in unstable companies.

EU industrial policy must address social issues

18 October, 2012While supporting the European Commission’s new industrial policies, trade unions argue that they contradict the austerity policies currently in force in Europe.

Textile workers demand support to fire-victims in Bangladesh

18 October, 2012A huge rally took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 12 October following a fire that burnt down the homes and seriously affected the lives of 4,000 Bangladeshi textile workers on 7 October 2012.

Germany’s IG BCE and chemical employers call for just transition

27 September, 2012IndustriALL’s German affiliate IG BCE has issued a joint policy paper with employer associations regarding the effects of the energy transition in Germany on the chemicals industry.