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Showing 61-70 of 242 results

Two years after Brumadinho disaster, safety concerns persist at Vale

26 January, 2021Two years after Brazil’s worst environmental and industrial disaster, subcontractors at mining company Vale are still raising concerns over health and safety and bullying by management.

Unions in Peru take action for a fair and sustainable textile industry

20 January, 2021In December, the Federation of textile workers of Peru (FNTTP) delivered a document called "Platform for a claim for a fair and sustainable textile and clothing industry” to the Labor and social security commission.

Sintracarbón signs agreement with Cerrejón to end historic strike

3 December, 2020The Sintracarbón union and Colombian company Cerrejón have signed a new collective employment agreement, ensuring that workers get to keep their benefits. The agreement brought an end to the longest strike in the mine’s history.

Argentina’s parliament in favour of ratifying C190

23 November, 2020Argentina is one step closer to becoming the third country in the world after Uruguay and Fiji to adopt ILO Convention 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, after the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill for ratification.

Ternium Guatemala union registers first collective agreement

5 November, 2020Guatemala's Labour Ministry has registered the first collective employment agreement between Ternium International Guatemala and the union Sitraternium, bringing an eight-year dispute to an end.

Sintracarbón and Cerrejón begin dialogue to resolve dispute

29 October, 2020After a strike which has lasted for 58 days, IndustriALL Colombian affilaite Sintracarbón and Cerrejón, owned by multinationals Glencore, BHP and Anglo American, are finally launching a series of meetings.

Union campaign brings improvements to Georgian labour law

7 October, 2020After fighting for amendments to the labour code, Georgian unions’ campaign bore results on 29 September when Parliament voted for improvements related to labour inspections, mandatory rest time and anti-discrimination.

Unions approve agreement to save jobs at Volkswagen Brazil

21 September, 2020Unions at the four Volkswagen plants in Brazil have negotiated a collective agreement safeguarding jobs for five years, as well as setting out further investments and a voluntary layoff package.

Unions call on BHP to respect health and safety

27 August, 2020IndustriALL’s BHP network is urging the company to respect the right to occupational health and safety at all its global operations during the Covid-19 crisis.

Sintracarbón backs strike call at Cerrejón

24 August, 2020Colombian union Sintracarbón has called for a strike at the Cerrejón mine, rejecting the new shift system which would eliminate 1,200 jobs, and the loss of benefits.  It also denounces the increase in Covid-19 infections in the company.