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Showing 61-70 of 432 results

Thousands of British Gas workers continue strike action

21 January, 2021IndustriALL UK affiliate GMB has launched a series of seven one-day strikes to protest against British Gas’ plans to fire and rehire and cut workers’ pay and terms. This follows on a five-day strike earlier this month.

IndustriALL webinar on energy transition

21 January, 2021Listen to the debate on energy companies' commitment to transition with researchers and union representatives from Germany, Australia, Colombia, Spain and South Africa.

French energy unions plan day of action against dismantling of EDF

14 January, 2021Energy unions will hold a day of action on 19 January to show their opposition to the Hercule project, the planned break up and partial privatization of energy giant Electricité de France (EDF), during a climate and public health crisis.

Energy companies failing to invest in Just Transition

7 January, 2021A new report commissioned by IndustriALL Global Union demonstrates the gap between rhetoric and reality as major energy companies fail to back climate commitments with investment.

Approaches and responses to Covid-19 in MENA’s energy sector

17 December, 2020The pandemic has brought a sharp drop in oil and gas prices, heavily impacting the oil and gas dependent MENA countries. IndustriALL affiliates in the energy sector met virtually on 30 November to discuss the impact of and approaches and responses to Covid-19, as well as how they tackle the energy transition that is taking place in the region.

Reindustrializing Latin America and the Caribbean

11 December, 2020On 8 December, more than 150 union leaders from the base metal, energy and automotive sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean completed a series of seminars and working groups as part of a project run by IndustriALL and Union to Union.

Arbitrator rules Shell must accept collective bargaining on Australian offshore facility

10 December, 2020IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) successfully applied to the national industrial arbitrator to force Shell to agree to bargaining on the Prelude FLNG offshore platform. 

Repsol unions call off strike after company makes new offer

4 December, 2020After unions announced strike action, the company made an offer which the unions accepted.

Spanish unions announce strike at Repsol

1 December, 2020Spanish affiliates of IndustriALL, UGT FICA, CCOO de Industria and USO, have announced strike action in response to the energy company’s plan to close 16 office centres in Repsol Butano.

Ukrainian energy unions demand dialogue for Just Transition

30 November, 2020On 26-27 November, unions from the nuclear, oil and gas, energy, electrotechnical and coal mining industries met online in a two-day meeting organized by IndustriALL and FES to discuss Ukraine’s energy vision and future prospects.