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Showing 61-70 of 95 results

Brands say they will pay more for clothes made in Cambodia

19 September, 2014In an unprecedented move, eight major fashion retailers have said they are prepared to pay more for clothes made in Cambodia. It follows a global day of action by unions in support of garment workers’ demands for a higher wage.

Cambodia: Thousands of garment workers take action

17 September, 2014Global unions joined thousands of garment workers in Cambodia today in an international day of action to demand an increase in the minimum wage from US$100 to US$177 per month.

Poverty wages behind Cambodian garment workers collapsing

16 September, 2014Hundreds of garment workers pass out in Cambodian textile factories every year. As they fight for a raise in the minimum wage from US$100 to US$177 a month, Luc Forsyth finds that poverty wages are largely to blame…

Women form a subregional network to promote ratification of ILO Convention 183

16 September, 2014IndustriALL Global Union organized a subregional workshop on maternity protection in Manila, Philippines on 11 and 12 September 2014. The workshop was attended by some 30 women from the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia. The point was to find common ground to pursue the ratification of ILO Convention 183 on maternity protection in the different countries. Ultimately the women created a network and vowed to keep pushing for ratification.

Global unions unite to back Cambodian garment workers’ action day

11 September, 2014Three global unions, representing millions of workers around the world, are mobilizing to back Cambodian garment unions’ demands for higher wages.

Urgent call to action for Cambodian garment workers!

9 September, 2014IndustriALL Global Union, the ITUC and UNI Global Union are asking affiliates to join Cambodian unions in a Global Day of Action on 17 September to demand a living wage for garment workers.

Cambodian garment workers toiling to death

14 August, 2014A combination of overwork, poor working conditions and poverty wages has seen another spike of Cambodian garment workers collapsing at work, but now workers are even dying on the job.

Global unions welcome release of Cambodian protestors

2 June, 2014Global unions have welcomed the release of 23 Cambodian wage protestors arrested following demonstrations in January but remain concerned at the severity of the court verdict and the lack of a fair trial.

Brands ready to incorporate higher wages in Cambodia

27 May, 2014Global fashion brands and retailers have told the Cambodian government they are willing to accommodate any agreed minimum wage increase in their future purchasing from the country.

Global unions and brands to meet Cambodian government for critical talks

22 May, 2014Global unions and multinational clothing brands are to again hold talks with the Cambodian government to voice their alarm at continued and increased violations of workers’ rights in the country.