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Showing 61-70 of 389 results

A new model for the textile and garment industry

24 February, 2022A side event to the OECD Garment Forum featured an in-depth discussion on achieving a new supply chain industrial relations model for the textile and garment industry.

Reports of abuse in Dyson factory, Malaysia

14 February, 2022A damning news report on British television is accusing well-known household appliances company Dyson of forced labour, false imprisonment and dangerous working conditions at one of their main supplier factories in Malaysia, ATA Industrial.

Three Holcim workers killed and 8 injured in fire in Uganda

28 January, 2022Three workers died and eight were critically injured in a fire at the Hima cement plant, a subsidiary of Holcim, in Uganda on 15 January. The fire erupted during installation works on a diesel oil tank.

Morocco: workers take action for oil refinery

26 January, 2022On 18 January, around 250 workers at Samir oil refinery marched the 1,200 metres from company headquarters to the coastal road to highlight the workers’ precarious situation after the company stopped production more than six years ago due to a failed privatization deal. Workers are calling for government intervention to save the refinery and their jobs.

Global solidarity of Sanofi trade unions

21 December, 2021The strong international network of unions of Sanofi employees from over 30 countries continues working together to build unity and solidarity at the global pharmaceuticals company.

South African union and communities march against privatization of Eskom

16 December, 2021Hundreds of workers and affected communities marched to the offices of Eskom in Johannesburg on 11 December to protest the privatization of the public power utility which they say is leading to job losses for tens of thousands of workers and will make electricity unaffordable to poor communities.

IndustriALL’s new leadership team holds first executive committee meeting

16 December, 2021At IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee meeting, held online on 15 December, titular members and observers discussed what the organization needs to focus on to be best equipped to tackle challenges ahead.

IndustriALL and PSI renew global agreement with EDF

10 December, 2021On 29 November 2021, the two global union federations, IndustriALL Global Union and Public Services International, signed a two-year extension of the global framework agreement (GFA) with the French energy multinational EDF. The GFA is now valid until July 2024.

“Working in Myanmar is like modern slavery”

9 December, 2021Nearly eleven months into military rule in Myanmar, trade unions in the country say that the dictatorship must end immediately, as democratic rule is essential for protecting workers’ rights.

Fighting for African industrialization

25 November, 2021Countless strategies to industrialize Africa have been adopted; from the African Union’s Agenda 2063, Accelerated Industrial Development for Africa strategies and the African Mining Vision at continental level to national industrial policies. Yet the take-off is not happening, while the obstacles are well documented.