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Photo Galleries

14 June, 2012Upload or link your Flickr photo collections to the IndustriALL Global Union Flickr account.

Sign up and take action

14 June, 2012your rightsTell us about what is happening in your workplace and your union by sending news, photos and videos to: [email protected] actionTake action with IndustriALL by subscribing to regular ACT NOW alerts and weekly HEADLINES at:http://www.industriall-union.org/actnowyour unionFollow the work of your global union by subscribing to the monthly newsletter IndustriALL @work at: http://www.industriall-union.org/newsletter

Research and Reports

14 June, 2012The latest publications, research and reports produced by IndustriALL Global Union.

Human rights heroes band together to form IndustriALL Global Union

14 June, 2012A new global union to fight for human rights of working people will be founded on June 19 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Rio Tinto poisons steel industry sustainability

14 June, 2012At the latest meeting of the OECD Steel Committee workers' representatives voiced concerns over the sustainability of the steel industry when major suppliers such as Rio Tinto continue to abuse workers' rights and ignore public warnings.

Logos of IndustriALL Global Union

13 June, 2012IndustriALL Global Union logos, for use on the internet and in print, are provided here for the use of IndustriALL Global Union affiliates only. Please request authorisation from [email protected] for any other use.


30 May, 2012A Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with Ford was signed in Detroit (USA) on 25 April.


25 May, 2012Power multinational Endesa meets unions from its operations worldwide in a regular global council, as stipulated in the Global Framework Agreement with IndustriALL.


25 May, 2012The agreement reflects the company's "commitment to respect basic human and trade union rights in the community, acknowledging the fundamental principals of human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD guidelines on Multinational Companies."


25 May, 2012The Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with Volkswagen Group was signed on June 6, 2002. The agreement states that the principles of the ILO Core Labour Standards will be assured within Volkswagen.