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Showing 581-590 of 1745 results

South-South union solidarity against challenges of energy transition

21 April, 2021IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Latin America, the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa met virtually on 7 April to exchange ideas on energy transition and how to reach better agreements for workers and communities.

Ukraine must abandon anti-worker law reform

21 April, 2021Ukrainian unions are concerned over at least seven anti-worker and anti-union draft laws in violation of the national constitution and international labour standards, including ILO conventions and EU directives.

Mass demonstrations against Indonesia’s Omnibus law

21 April, 2021The Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) organized a street and virtual action against Indonesia’s controversial Omnibus law on job creation on 12 April. 10,000 unionists affiliated to KSPI staged protest in 150 cities and at 1,000 companies.

Workers fear returning to work in Ethiopia’s war-torn Tigray region

15 April, 2021Of the more than 2,000 workers employed in the Mekelle Industrial Park, only 700 have returned to work because of security concerns from the on-going war, which broke out on 4 November 2020.

Union fights over unpaid wages and workers’ rights violations at Galba Nigeria

15 April, 2021IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Automobile, Boatyards, Transport, Equipment and Allied Senior Staff Association (AUTOBATE) is fighting for the payment of wages to over 60 workers at Galba Nigeria and for the engineering company to respect workers’ rights.

Garment workers need safe factories

15 April, 2021Approaching the eight anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse, safe factories for garment workers still need to be fought for. Please join the social media action next week for the fight for safe factories and to support the demand for a global agreement on factory safety.

Malaysian government urged to end emergency rule and reform labour law

15 April, 2021Malaysian unions are campaigning to end emergency rule in the country, calling on the government to reform labour laws to protect workers’ rights during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Worker perspectives from Cerrejón coal mine

13 April, 2021Last week, IndustriALL and the UK Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) co-hosted a webinar examining how labour practices at the Colombian coal mine Cerrejón are affecting workers. The massive open-pit coal mine is jointly owned by mining multinationals Anglo American, BHP and Glencore.

South Asia unions demand strong universal social protection

9 April, 2021IndustriALL affiliates in South Asia are calling for national, regional and global efforts to improve the weak social protection system which is exacerbating the social crisis caused by Covid-19.

Belarusian independent unions receive 2021 Arthur Svensson prize

9 April, 2021The Arthur Svensson international prize for trade union rights has been awarded to the independent trade union movement in Belarus. They get it for their fearless struggle for democracy and union rights in Europe's last dictatorship.