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Showing 551-560 of 667 results

Capacity building in Egypt

21 August, 2014During a series of seminars in Egypt, independent unions and IndustriALL affiliates called upon the government to adopt workers' suggested amendments to the drafted Labour Law.

Madagascar: IndustriALL supports drive to organize, educate and fight back at Rio Tinto

21 August, 2014IndustriALL Global Union, together with its affiliate, FISEMA, held a workshop on 8 August focused on organizing Rio Tinto’s workers and subcontractors at the company’s mineral sand mine operation QMM in Fort Dauphin, Madagascar.

Organizing in Bangladesh – changing the dynamics

20 August, 2014Although an industry which often suffers from sub-standard conditions, low pay and low job security, organizing garment workers in Bangladesh can be an uphill battle. Together with its partners, IndustriALL is participating in a project to increase union membership in the factories.

Unpaid garment workers on hunger strike

6 August, 20141,600 Bangladeshi garment workers on hunger strike for more than a week have called for a strike at garment factories across the country on 10 August if outstanding salaries and bonuses are not paid.

Continued union-busting by Deva Holding in Turkey

31 July, 2014As part of continuous union-busting, pharmaceutical company Deva Holding in Turkey, subsidiary of UK-based East Pharma, has fired eight workers since June, simply because they chose to join a union.

Syngenta Pakistan continues to blatantly ignore court ruling

31 July, 2014IndustriALL Global Union expresses its outrage over Syngenta’s long-standing punishment with unacceptable treatment against union leaders and members, ignoring local and supreme court rulings in Pakistan.

IndustriALL women’s workshop in Colombia promotes organizing

30 July, 2014IndustriALL Colombia organized its 20th women’s workshop in Bogotá on 3 and 4 July 2014. Women from the affiliated unions Sintravidricol, Sintracarbon, Sintraindomecol, Utrammicol and Sintraelecol attended the workshop.

Mega merger in cement sector alarms workers

25 July, 2014As cement giants Holcim and Lafarge are merging, IndustriALL Global Union and the European Federation of Building and Wood Workers (EFBWW) met this week with the European Works Council (EWC) restricted committees from the two companies to discuss the situation.

Daimler World Works Council elects new leadership

24 July, 2014A new leadership for the Daimler AG World Employee Committee (also known as World Works Council) has been constituted following a meeting in Germany.

Liberian union commits to intensify organizing

16 July, 2014United Workers Union of Liberia (Uwul) intends to make more resources available for organizing and recruiting workers in new and ununionized workplaces.