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Showing 5351-5360 of 5745 results

Support Colombian glass workers in conflict with Owens Illinois

29 November, 2012Colombian glassworker union Sintravidricol is facing obstinate management negotiators in bargaining for a new collective agreement with Owens Illinois subsidiary Cristalería Peldar. Today’s meeting is unlikely to provide a positive result and the next step will be a strike ballot. Send your message to management here.

Trade union caucus pushes labour agenda at COP18

29 November, 2012IndustriALL is central in the work of the trade union caucus at COP18 (18th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in Doha, Qatar, running from 26 November to 7 December.

Young Latin American and German workers attend exchange programme meeting in Brazil

29 November, 2012From 26-30 November, young trade union members from the textile, chemical, mining and metalworking sectors of Latin America and from IG METALL and IGBCE in Germany are attending a training course that forms part of an international trade union exchange programme for young workers who are members of IndustriALL affiliates.

25 November – “Zero Tolerance for Violence against Women”

29 November, 201225 November, the International Day to Combat Violence against Women, was commemorated in Istanbul with a series of events over several days.

IndustriALL affiliates in Cambodia sign unity agreement

29 November, 2012IndustriALL Cambodian affiliates identified trade union division as a major obstacle to advancing workers’ rights in the country and pledged to work together to tackle their common concerns.

International Works Committee established at Indesit

29 November, 2012On 15 November unions and management of Italian-based producer of domestic appliances, Indesit, jointly established the Global Committee.

Garments sector closed for day of mourning in Bangladesh

27 November, 2012The news of the terrifying fire in Bangladesh has spread across the globe. The death toll is 112 people, remnants of 58 of the dead are not identifiable and a DNA test needs to be conducted.

IndustriALL director receives recognition from United Nations Industrial Development Organization

27 November, 2012IndustriALL's Brian Kohler recently spoke on “Energy, Climate Change and Decent Work” at the ILO Solutions Forum of the UNIDO Global South Development Expo, 12 November 2012.

Workers strike at Scottish paper bag plant

27 November, 2012Scottish paper bag workers at Smith Anderson told “No holiday” between July and December.

US Nissan workers seek fair union election

26 November, 2012Launched at the LabourStart conference in Sydney on 26 November, 3,000 workers at Nissan’s assembly plant in Canton, Mississippi, USA are campaigning for a fair union election and an end to Nissan’s fear and intimidation tactics.