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Showing 531-540 of 632 results

IndustriALL Executives condemn Samsung for union busting

5 December, 2013Today at the international body meeting, IndustriALL Executive Committee members unanimously approved a petition condemning Samsung Electronics for union busting policy.

IndustriALL remembers comrades killed at work

25 November, 2013On this 25 November, the International Day to Combat Violence against Women, IndustriALL pays tribute to those women who have been killed and harassed at work in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Morocco, Cambodia and Bangladesh. The women killed protesting for their rights in Cambodia stand for the many others who were sacrificed for their rights.

President of the CUT in Caldas, Colombia, escapes attempt on his life

20 November, 2013IndustriALL Global Union condemns the attack on Óscar Arturo Orozco, president of the Caldas branch of the union central CUT and the electrical workers’ union SINTRAELECOL and calls on its affiliates to take solidarity action.

Persecution of trade unions continues in Colombia: USO leader detained

14 November, 2013Darío Cárdenas Pachón, vice-president of the oil workers’ union, Union Sindical Obrera (USO) in Villavicencio, in the department of Meta, Colombia, was detained in the department on 2 November in response to a court order issued by the first criminal court, which accuses him, without foundation, of obstruction of the public highway, damage to natural resources and aggravated damage to private property.

La Sierrita members detained two days before hearing against Excellon

13 November, 2013IndustriALL has called for urgent solidarity action to support members of Local 309 of the National Miners’ Union and members of the La Sierrita community two days before the Canadian mining company Excellon is due to appear before an Agrarian Tribunal.

Support Gazprom workers rights in Bashkortostan

13 November, 2013Russian chemical workers’ union, RCWU needs solidarity support in Bashkortostan at JSC Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat.

IndustriALL repudiates killing of Colombian peasant leader

8 November, 2013On Saturday, 2 November between 5pm and 6pm, César García was killed by a shot to the head when arriving at his farm at La Vereda la Cajón la Leona in the municipality of Cajamarca. Garciá was a well-known opponent of the mega gold mining project La Colosa. The main investor is Anglogold Ashanti.

Unite reaches a deal with Ineos in Grangemouth

30 October, 2013Unite the Union reports of an agreement concluded with the owners of Ineos according to which some 800 workers, Unite members, and their families will keep their jobs safe with Ineos at Grangemouth, Scotland.

Serious dispute at cardboard company in Honduras

29 October, 2013IndustriALL has offered its solidarity to 70 members of its Honduran affiliate, the FITH. They were sacked for protesting at the anti-trade union actions taken by their employer, the Korean cardboard company, Corporación Cartonera 3j Fenix, located in Villanueva, a municipality in the department of Cortés. IndustriALL has called on the Ministry of Labour to intervene and resolve the dispute.

Russian chemical workers forced to join yellow union

24 October, 2013In Bashkortostan at JSC Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat (ex Salavatnefteorgsintez) workers are pushed to withdraw from Russian Chemical Workers Union (RCWU), an affiliate of IndustriALL, and join a yellow union created by the administration.