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Showing 521-530 of 667 results

Metalworkers’ strike banned in Turkey

30 January, 2015The Turkish Government has issued a Cabinet Decree to postpone the metal industry strike launched by IndustriALL affiliate Birlesik Metal-Is in 19 companies on 29 January. The decree also covers 18 companies where the strike will start on 19 February.

Framework agreements signed by Polish miners and government

21 January, 2015January has seen 2,000 miners in Poland protesting against government plans to close a number of mines in the country. On 17 January, a framework agreement was reached between the trade unions and the government, putting an end to the protests.  

Turkey - thousands of metalworkers to strike on 29 January

14 January, 2015IndustriALL's affiliate United Metalworkers’ Union (Birlesik Metal-Is) today announced a strike in the metal industry for 29 January. The strike will cover around 15,000 workers in some 40 companies in Turkey.

Half a million Indian coalminers launch strike

6 January, 2015IndustriALL Global Union’s mining affiliates in India are leading a five-day nationwide strike that has shut down the country’s coal industry. Beginning 6 January, the strike is in rejection of government plans to privatize state-owned Coal India Ltd. (CIL) which produces almost all of India’s coal.

Australia: end of eight-week lockout at Otis

18 December, 2014For eight weeks, workers at Otis Elevators in Australia were locked out as management refused to pay the same rates and conditions as other elevator companies in Australia. Yesterday, Otis conceded and trade unions reached an agreement with Otis.

Union changes status of precarious workers at Siemens, India

16 December, 2014In early December, 40 precarious workers at a Siemens factory in India received permanent contracts after negotiations between the trade union and management.

1 million workers strike across Indonesia

15 December, 2014On 10 December, 1 million members of Indonesian trade union confederations KSPI, KSBSI and KSPSI went on strike demanding wage increases after president Joko Widodo upped fuel prices. In Jakarta 50,000 people marched to the President’s Palace to voice their demands.

IndustriALL Executive Committee in Tunis

8 December, 2014On 4 – 5 December, IndustriALL held its Executive Committee meeting in Tunis. The location was a show of support for Tunisia’s democratic development, in which trade unions have played an important part.

Honda Mexico – reinstated worker fired again

5 December, 2014Honda Mexico has again shown its anti-union policies and readiness to violate the freedom of association and labour rights by dismissing for a second time Raúl Celestino Pallares Cardoza, Records Secretary of the Honda Mexico workers’ democratic trade union, STUHM.

IndustriALL’s magazine out now!

4 December, 2014As recent mobilizations demonstrate the power of global solidarity, this edition of IndustriALL Global Union’s “Global Worker” looks at some significant union struggles and how global worker solidarity can make all the difference when facing these struggles.