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Showing 5141-5150 of 5745 results

Chilean copper workers announce national strike

20 March, 2013The Federation of Copper Workers (FTC), affiliated to IndustriALL, has called a national strike at state-owned CODELCO in support of demands for job security, dignified pensions and renationalization of the copper mines.

USW rubber workers in action for fair contracts

20 March, 2013The United Steelworkers of North America has been conducting robust bargaining for fair contracts at two multinational tire manufacturers. USW members ratified new contracts this week at three Titan International plants, while Steelworkers at Firestone Polymers LLC in Orange, Texas went on strike on 18 March to defend existing health care benefits.

Promoting labour rights in Bangladesh

19 March, 2013IndustriALL’s campaign to improve labour rights, minimum wages and fire safety in Bangladesh continues. Discussions with the government, employers and foreign garment brands and retailers have progressed, but there is a long way to go to ensure a sustainable future and creation of new decent jobs.

Chileans mark Mexico days of action

18 March, 2013CONAGRA the UNI Global Union affiliated trade union led a meeting with Mexican Embassy officials and delivered a joint trade union letter placing the common demands of the global campaign.

Guatemalans mobilize outside Mexican Embassy

18 March, 2013Affiliated trade unions of the ITUC and Uni Global Union demonstrated in front of the Mexican Embassy and delivered a joint letter to senior official Luis Dominguez.

Mexico Days of Action in Colombia

18 March, 2013UNI Global Union affiliates assembled outside the Mexican Embassy and delivered the joint letter with demands in line with the global campaign. The trade union delegation were however refused a meeting with Embassy officials.

IndustriALL marks Global Women's Day

18 March, 2013USW held its Women of Steel Conference in Pittsburgh from 10 to 13 March under the motto Honoring our Past – Protecting our Future. The conference was attended by nearly 1,000 women from all sectors and all regions in the United States and Canada, the most ever. The conference focused on how women can get involved in the union in the areas of education, communication, political influence, trade work, organizing, legislation, rapid response and safety.

Mauritian unions mobilize against increasing casualization of labor in the private sector

18 March, 2013In Mauritius, new employment legislation adopted in 2009 led to deregulation of the labor market and a massive expansion of contract work.

IndustriALL in India for days of action

15 March, 2013IndustriALL General Secretary Jyrki Raina Projects & Rights' Officer Suzanna Miller participated in a meeting of around 400-500 workers in Calcutta marking the international Campaign.

32,000 Indian steel workers organized since 2010

14 March, 2013Through IndustriALL Global Union’s organizing project known as “More members, fewer unions” two Indian affiliates, the INMF and SMEFI, organized over 32,000 new members between 2010 and 2012.