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Showing 511-520 of 703 results

Journalist and human rights lawyer in Swaziland receive two-year prison sentences

31 July, 2014Thulani Maseko and Bheki Makhubu, have both been sentenced to two years of prison without benefit of bail. Following their arbitrary detention since March 2014, the two men were convicted on 17 July 2014 for contempt of court four months after their initial arrest. Contempt of court ordinarily carries a 30 day sentence or a fine of 2,200 Euros in Swaziland.

Convictions confound Swazi reform hopes

24 July, 2014The conviction in Swaziland of a journalist and a human rights lawyer with ties to the labour movement does not bode well for the country’s reinstatement to a preferential trade deal with the USA.

Take action to release Iranian trade union leader

21 July, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is calling on affiliates to support the campaign by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) to release jailed Iranian trade union leader Reza Shahabi.

Violence, Blood and Tears Must Stop in Gaza, says IndustriALL Global Union

17 July, 2014IndustriALL Global Union joins the global union movement and international community in calls for an immediate ceasefire as the violence in Gaza continues and the death toll escalates.

IndustriALL affiliates show solidarity for Samsung workers

26 June, 2014Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee in Geneva today (26 June) made a stand against Samsung in support of Korean workers who are fighting for the right to join a union and earn a living wage.

Russian nickel plant workers are ready to strike

25 June, 2014Workers at the Buruktal Nickel Plant (BNP) in Russia are getting ready to strike after the company failed to sign a collective agreement for 2014-2016. It is the fourth labour dispute with BNP in the last five years.

Workers have the right to strike

24 June, 2014The right to strike is an essential element of freedom of association and collective bargaining. Global unions are determined to defend this fundamental right around the world against attacks from employers and governments.

Employers deny the international right to strike

19 June, 2014At the International Labour Conference (ILC) in June 2014, during the discussions in the Committee on Application of Standards, the Employers’ Group persisted to deny that the right to strike forms part of the ILO Convention 87, thus undermining the decades’ long practice of international law application.

Stop regression to Korea's authoritarian past!

4 June, 2014IndustriALL and its afffiliate Korean Metal Workers' Union calls on South Korean President Park Geun-hye to take immediate measures to implement labour supervisory mechanisms to stop Samsung labour repression and ensure it collectively bargains with the KMWU local to conclude a living wage and collective agreement.

Global unions welcome release of Cambodian protestors

2 June, 2014Global unions have welcomed the release of 23 Cambodian wage protestors arrested following demonstrations in January but remain concerned at the severity of the court verdict and the lack of a fair trial.