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Showing 501-510 of 703 results

Global campaign defeats union-busting attack at NXP

29 September, 2014International trade union solidarity flexed its muscles over the last five months in defence of NXP workers under attack in the Philippines. The campaign succeeded in overturning this company’s union-busting attack. A new labour agreement with major gains was signed on 26 September.

IndustriALL and CCC denounce Palla shoemaker in Sri Lanka

25 September, 2014The IndustriALL affiliated FTZGSEU union in Sri Lanka is campaigning for workers’ justice at Palla and Company Ltd. after mass sackings and union-busting by the employer. Bata is one of the major brands to have sourced from Palla and now needs to live up to its supply chain responsibilities.

Kazakhstan: free unionism is now either a criminal or administrative offence

22 September, 2014IndustriALL Global Union expresses its deep concerns about recent developments in Kazakhstan after the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offences was adopted in July this year limiting freedom of trade union activities.

Crown continues union busting in Turkey and Canada

22 September, 2014Crown Holdings wants to replace three-quarters of its workers that are members of IndustriALL affiliate United Steelworkers (USW) even if they settle a year-long labour dispute.

Turkish Glass Workers Reach Collective Agreement After Strike Ban

11 September, 2014Members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate Kristal-Is went on strike on 20 June 2014 over the failure of sector-wide negotiations in the glass industry. The Turkish Government postponed, in reality banned, the strike eight days after it was launched.

12 workers in Pakistan acquitted after two-year trial

8 September, 2014Twelve garment workers and trade unionists from IndustriALL affiliate National Trade Union Federation (NTUF) have finally been acquitted of extortion and terrorism.

Abuses by Apple’s supplier NXP get worse in the Philippines

28 August, 2014Apple will launch the much-anticipated iPhone 6 from September, but a key component comes from NXP Semiconductors. Both NXP and Apple are ignoring their corporate and moral responsibility for 24 sacked trade union leaders in the Philippines.

Australian unions protest denial of visas to dismissed Ansell workers

26 August, 2014Unions held a rally outside of Ansell’s Australian headquarters following the denial of entry visas to a delegation of Sri Lankan union members. The Australian government denied the visas in an apparent attempt to shield glove and condom maker Ansell from public exposure of its harsh and unjust treatment of its workers in Sri Lanka.

Customers, students, NGOs and unions all demand that NXP “Bring Back the 24!”

14 August, 2014Electronics multinational NXP is coming under increasing pressure to reinstate the 24 union members it sacked three months ago in Cabuyao, Philippines. NXP’s corporate strategy in response to the pressure has been to repeatedly delay any intervention to wear down the MWAP union.

Hankook continues to violate union rights in Hungary

5 August, 2014Since the start of its Hungarian operations, leading Korean tire maker Hankook has been relentless in its union busting.