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Showing 51-60 of 87 results

Young workers in Cambodia commit to building union power

21 September, 201835 young trade unionists in Textile, Garment, Shoes and Leather (TGSL) industries from IndustriALL Cambodian affiliates held a workshop in Phnom Penh on 14-15 September on the increasing young workers’ participation in trade unions.

Young workers in Zimbabwe engage on the future of unions

14 September, 2018Young and unionized workers in Zimbabwe live in a country in a state of flux but where there are immense opportunities to bring back the power of the unions whose existence is threatened.

New project launched for young Latin Americans

22 August, 2018A new project aimed at young people has just been launched in Latin America and the Caribbean. With the support of DGB Bildungswerk from Germany, IndustriALL is committed to empowering youth. 

IndustriALL creates a ‘macro sector’ for manufacturing industries

21 August, 2018Fifty trade union leaders from the ‘macro sector’ of manufacturing industries across Latin American and the Caribbean met for the first time from 13 to 15 August in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Their aim was to discuss the future world of work and come up with joint initiatives.

India: unions to tackle challenges faced by young workers

10 August, 201834 young trade union activists from IndustriALL Indian affiliates gathered in Nagpur on 8-9 August to discuss challenges faced by young workers at workplaces and called for renewed efforts to recruit more youth in to trade union movement.

Brazil's trade union centres seek to further the country's development

26 July, 2018Brazil's seven trade union centres have come together to launch a "Priority Agenda for the Working Class", which includes recommendations on how to further the country's development. They are also organizing a national day against unemployment on 10 August.

Conference sets path for Asia-Pacific textile and garment sector

9 July, 2018Sixty-five representatives from IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in the textile, garment, shoes and leather industries (TGSL) gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 1 July for the IndustriALL Asia-Pacific regional sector conference.

Increasing young workers' participation in Philippine unions

27 June, 201827 young workers from national labour federations affiliated to IndustriALL met in Quezon City, Philippines, to discuss issues young workers are confronted with, as well as why workers, particularly young people, shy away from joining and participating in union activities.

Union persecution continues at Tenaris Colombia

21 June, 2018Workers at Tenaris TuboCaribe in Colombia have filed a complaint with the ILO and have been protesting for the past five weeks in front of the factory in Cartagena to denounce the company's systematic attacks on trade union, Sintratucar. 

IndustriALL makes progress on gender work in Latin America and the Caribbean

27 October, 2017“We want genuine change” was a sentence that was heard many times during the meeting of the working group on gender, in Bogota, Colombia, on 16-17 October.