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Showing 51-60 of 434 results

Unions uneasy over South African Just Transition finance deal announced at COP26

4 November, 2021South African trade unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) are supportive of a Just Transition partnership that is inclusive of the workers and poor communities through social dialogue, protects jobs and livelihoods, and promotes a socially owned renewable energy sector.

French electricity and gas workers mobilize for their rights

21 October, 2021French unions FNME-CGT, FCE-CFDT, CFE-CGC Energies and FO Energie took action on 19 October, to fight back against social regression and attacks on pension and unemployment insurance schemes, as well as to demand higher wages.

Iranian oil workers improve conditions through struggle

30 September, 2021Over the past three years, contract workers on Iranian oil projects have improved their conditions through a series of wildcat strikes. Now an activist from IndustriALL’s Iranian affiliate UMMI has been formally mandated to represent the workers in negotiations with the oil companies, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and the government.

IndustriALL supports campaign for comprehensive economic sanctions against Myanmar junta

31 August, 2021IndustriALL Global Union has announced its support for the campaign by Myanmar’s unions calling for comprehensive economic sanctions against the military junta.

Organizing along the battery supply chain

12 July, 2021Given the workers rights' violations and a low union density, coupled with an expected increase in battery demand in the next ten years, IndustriALL and affiliates have started developing a strategy for workers along the supply chain.

Iranian petrochemical workers take strike action

24 June, 2021Workers at oil and gas projects and petrochemical plants have gone on strike in South Pars, in Tehran and across Iran as part of coordinated action called Strike Campaign 1400, referring to the current year in the Iranian calendar.

Albanian hydroelectric workers protest unfair dismissals

10 June, 2021Workers at the Ulëz and Shkopet hydroelectric plants of Kürüm International have taken strike action after the company used restructuring plans to dismiss workers in violation of the collective agreement.

Court rules Shell must cut greenhouse gas emissions

2 June, 2021As the oil giant is not fulfilling its duty of care in combatting climate change, a Dutch court has ruled that Shell must speed up cutting carbon emissions by 45 per cent by 2030, compared to 2019 levels. Announced on 26 May, the verdict not only applies to Shell, but also to its suppliers and customers. 

REPORT: Latin American unions look for ways to push for reindustrialization

7 May, 2021IndustriALL affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean have come up with a sector-based political and union agenda to promote regional reindustrialization, focusing on sustainable development and ensuring a fair transition to a low-carbon economy

Workers at Petrobras Brazil condemn union busting

8 April, 2021In the face of union busting, Brazilian oil workers' union FUP is striking to protect workers' rights and is demanding safe and decent working conditions.