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Showing 51-60 of 99 results

Ukrainian miners stage protest over unpaid wages

21 June, 2018Coalminers organized a mass protest on 19 and 20 June in front of Verhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) in the hope of attracting attention of the parliamentarians to the dreadful situation in the coal mining sector and its effects on conditions for coalminers.

Ukraine: ArcelorMittal workers protest unsafe conditions and poor wages

21 May, 2018Workers at the railway workshop at the ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih steel plant have begun industrial action against unsafe working conditions and low wages. 

Ukraine: ArcelorMittal workers fight for their rights

9 May, 2018Workers at the ArcelorMittal-Kryvyi Rih steel plant with the support of the IndustriALL affiliate Trade Union of Workers of Metallurgical and Mining Industries of Ukraine (PMGU) want to sign a new collective agreement ensuring wage increases and safe working conditions.

Base metals unions in CIS countries confront challenges

20 April, 2018IndustriALL affiliates from CIS countries met on 17-18 April in Tbilisi, Georgia, to discuss union responses to trends and challenges in the base metals sector.

Nuclear workers protest in Ukraine

19 April, 201812,000 members of IndustriALL affiliate Nuclear Power and Industry Workers Union of Ukraine (Atomprofspilka) protested in eight different cities on 12 April to protest a state policy of low energy tariffs, which result in low pay for workers.

Ukrainian miners trapped underground as power cut off

4 April, 2018Some 240 miners were needlessly trapped 1,000 metres underground for several hours after the local electricity provider cut power to the Gorsakaya mine in the Ukraine on 2 April.

Ukrainian miners escalate protest against unpaid wages

22 February, 2018Nine people have embarked on an indefinite hunger strike after the Ukrainian government failed to fully reimburse millions of dollars in unpaid wages for Ukrainian coal miners dating back to 2015.

IndustriALL’s first step towards creating women network in Ukraine

19 December, 201720 union female activists from IndustriALL Ukrainian affiliates hold their first meeting of the women network in Chernigov to discuss challenges faced by women at their workplaces and adopt the action plan.

Ukrainian miners face searches and strong pressure

7 December, 2017IndustriALL affiliate the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine (NGPU) reports that union members are placed under pressure and have their labour rights violated at mines owned by Evraz Sukha Balka in the Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine. Private security employed by the company regularly conducts searches of workers.

Ukraine: new wave of protests against unpaid wages

10 October, 2017Mine workers at two state enterprises in the Ukraine, Volynvuhillia in the Volyn region and Myrnohradvuhillya in the Donetsk region, have started protests, demanding the payment of salaries overdue for several months. The miners are supported by IndustriALL affiliates the Coal Mining Workers’ Union of Ukraine and the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine (NPGU).