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Showing 51-60 of 76 results

Global unions welcome Australian union merger

20 October, 2015Global union federations IndustriALL Global Union and the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) have welcomed news that two of their Australian member unions are considering a merger that would create a new ‘super union’.

Australian unions tell Ansell AGM: protest postponed for Sri Lanka solution

15 October, 2015Leaders from three Australian trade unions spoke at the Ansell Annual Shareholders Meeting, in Melbourne, on 8 October to raise the labour dispute with the company in Sri Lanka.

Ansell faces Aussie protests against treatment of Sri Lankan workers

25 August, 2015Unionists from the textile, manufacturing and construction sectors in Australia descended on the Melbourne-headquarters of condom and glove manufacturer Ansell today to demand better treatment of workers in Sri Lanka.

Rio Tinto responsible for wage theft in Australian waters

8 July, 2015The crew of a ship chartered by Rio Tinto has reportedly received no wages for months and has been forced to live and work in filthy conditions.

Global union action against asbestos

13 May, 2015IndustriALL Global Union and its trade union affiliates from as far as Australia have been campaigning in Geneva, Switzerland this week in the fight to ban asbestos worldwide. 

Global campaign against asbestos targets UN

5 May, 2015A global trade union campaign to stop the deadly trade in chrysotile asbestos is underway as the United Nations prepares to vote on whether to add the toxic mineral to a list of dangerous substances. 

AMWU fights to keep Australian shipbuilding jobs

23 December, 2014Australian shipbuilding workers have stepped up protests against the national government over the future of navy shipbuilding, threatening thousands of jobs in 2015.

Australia: end of eight-week lockout at Otis

18 December, 2014For eight weeks, workers at Otis Elevators in Australia were locked out as management refused to pay the same rates and conditions as other elevator companies in Australia. Yesterday, Otis conceded and trade unions reached an agreement with Otis.

PROFILE: CFMEU Fighting for Australian workers

2 December, 2014Founded in 1915 as the Australasian Coal and Shale Employees Federation, IndustriALL Global union affiliate the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has evolved into one of Australia’s largest national trade unions representing over 120,000 members.

Australian unions rally at Ansell AGM

17 October, 2014IndustriALL Global Union’s Australian affiliates rallied at the Ansell Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Melbourne on 16 October, calling on the company to respect the rights of workers in its Sri Lankan factory.