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Showing 51-57 of 57 results

Peruvian unions write to Mexican authorities

21 February, 2013See here the letter fro

Unions at Gerdau take action on Mexico

10 February, 2013Unions at Gerdau plants will be handing out leaflets on workers' rights in Mexico on the days of action 18 to 24 February 2013.

ILO issues recommendations to Russia and Belarus

22 November, 2012The International Labour Organization's Committee on Freedom of Association issued recommendations to Russia and Belarus on cases 2758 and 2090 initiated on the basis of complaints submitted by national unions with the support of IndustriALL Global Union.


5 October, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP Precarious Work

Unions want justice at Grupo Mexico

26 September, 2012On 18 September unions took action in Mexico, Peru and the USA demanding that Grupo Mexico respect workers and unions at all of it’s operations.

Another fatal accident at Toquepala - Southern Peru

31 August, 2012A worker has died at work after a metal sheet fell on him. The union says that health and safety managers are responsible, and that this is the fourth fatal accident in just over two years.

Peru textile unions step up campaign against short-term contracts

20 July, 2012Two Peruvian textile workers’ federations are launching an ‘adopt a Congress person’ campaign as part of their efforts to end a law which has condemned workers to a lifetime of short-term contracts in appalling working conditions.