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Showing 51-60 of 272 results

16-month lockout ends at Ash Grove cement plant

18 October, 2022110 members of Unifor local 177 at Joliet Ash Grove in Quebec, Canada, have started returning to work after more than a 16-month lockout. Workers had been locked out from the plant owned by Irish cement giant CRH since May 2021 after rejecting the employer’s offers.

International solidarity secures agreement for workers

11 October, 2022US union United Auto Workers, IndustriALL and Chennai Ford Employees Union have managed to secure a decent severance package for workers at auto giant Ford’s plant in Chennai, India.

Nigeria ratifies Convention 190 after sustained union campaigns

6 October, 2022Nigeria is the latest African country to ratify ILO Convention 190 which aims to eliminate violence and harassment in the world of work. The ratification comes after sustained campaigns and concerted efforts, including social dialogue involving trade unions, civil society organizations and labour support organizations.

Independent union wins representation at Saint-Gobain Mexico

5 October, 2022Through a vote, the Independent Union of Free and Democratic Workers of Saint-Gobain Mexico has won the right to represent workers at the group’s Cuautla factory.

On the 15th anniversary of their Global Framework Agreement, Inditex and IndustriALL reaffirm commitment with a new protocol

3 October, 2022Over the past 15 years, almost 3 million people around the world have benefitted from better working conditions as a result of the Global Framework Agreement between Inditex and IndustriALL Global Union. A world first, the agreement is still a benchmark in the defence of decent work in global supply chains. Commemorating the anniversary, both parties are signing a new protocol reinforcing their commitment to continue engaging in mature industrial relations safeguarding worker well being.

Union victory at Teksid Mexico

22 September, 2022Workers at Teksid Hierro in Mexico have re-elected the Los Mineros union as the holder of the collective bargaining agreement at the company, ending an eight-year long conflict over union representation.

Indian court rules in favour of General Motors employees

21 September, 2022A court in India has dismissed General Motors India’s petition challenging an earlier order directing the company to pay 50 per cent of the salary to 1,086 illegally retrenched workers.

Kenya glass workers win after strike for living wages and safety gear

15 September, 2022After a strike for living wages and personal protective equipment, workers at Future East Africa Cooperation (FEAC) negotiated a collective bargaining agreement to improve wages and health and safety at work.

Pakistani workers win wage raise after strike

31 August, 2022After striking for a month, power loom workers in Pakistan have secured a win by signing an agreement with the employer on wage increases, contributions to social security and improved health and safety.

ILO rules HICOM Malaysia violates freedom of association

23 August, 2022The ILO Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA) has concluded that the dismissal of five union leaders from Malaysia’s HICOM, supplier to Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Mitsubishi, was a violation of freedom of association.