Unions in India and Sri Lanka call for sustainable industrial policy28 June, 2018Trade unions in India and Sri Lanka underlined that strengthening national level social dialogue and incorporating workers’ views in industrial policy making are crucial to develop sustainable industrial policy and a Just Transition that protects current workers, while creating new decent work in sustainable industries.
African unions condemn global trade in used clothes as it suffocates textile sector7 June, 2018African countries export cotton to Asia where it is spun into yarn and made into fabric from which garments are made and sold to big brands in Europe and the USA. Charity and thrift shops then buy the clothes after they have been worn and discarded. On the bottom of the consumption chain are African countries that import bales of the used clothes, and even underwear, for sale in the thriving informal markets common on the continent.
Brazilian oil workers temporarily suspend national strike4 June, 2018IndustriALL Brazilian affiliate FUP temporarily suspended their 72-hour national strike when the court threatened the union with an extortionate fine of 2 million reais (US$540,000) per day, a clear violation of trade union rights.
Shell unable to answer worker questions at AGM24 May, 2018Royal Dutch Shell’s executive board failed to give adequate responses to questions on serious violations of workers’ rights at its annual general meeting (AGM) on Tuesday.
Latin America and the Caribbean activates its strategic plan for the region24 May, 201890 trade union representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean participated in the Second Regional Conference of IndustriALL in Panama, to redefine its strategic plan and promote the participation of the affiliates in its implementation.
REPORT: Seeking sustainable industrial policies for Latin America24 April, 2018IndustriALL Global Union encourages its unions throughout the world to develop sustainable industrial policies. But this can be challenging, especially for IndustriALL affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean - a developing region where neoliberal policies are once again back on the agenda and threatening workers’ rights.
Sanches urges rethink on African development strategies16 April, 2018IndustriALL Global Union general secretary Valter Sanches has urged affiliates in Sub Saharan Africa to rethink development strategies for the continent, and to engage their governments on sustainable industrialization.
Blog: Just Transition is at the risk of being hijacked22 March, 2018The year 2015 should be celebrated as the year that gave life to a long-fought struggle for sustainability and social justice in the trade union movement. ‘Just Transition’ is an important milestone for IndustriALL and coal unions in particular for playing an important role in influencing the outcomes of Paris Climate conference that emanated in an agreement that has since been embraced by UN agencies and various governments, communities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
IndustriALL affiliates take part in the World Social Forum15 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliates have been participating in the massive World Social Forum currently bringing together 20,000 activists from 120 countries, in Salvador, Brazil from 13 to 17 March.
IndustriALL affiliates celebrate Africa Industrialization Day – 201722 November, 2017Several events were held in conjunction with Africa Industrialization Day, 2017.