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Showing 51-60 of 190 results

Launch of trade union guide of practice for a Just Transition

20 October, 2022The term Just Transition is used by employers, governments and other multiple stakeholders. But what is a Just Transition on the workers’ terms, and what approaches are worker-centric in ways that protect workers’ expectations and interests?

United and in action for a Just Future

14 October, 2022In a webinar, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe pledged to fight the rising inequality and cost of living crisis by building trade union power and increasing union density and bargaining power. Both organisations are mobilizing this autumn.

Aviation unions welcome global agreement on net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

14 October, 2022International and European trade unions welcome a new global agreement for net-zero carbon aviation emissions by 2050, but call for stronger commitments at country level, including on social criteria. No worker or region should be left behind, we need a Just Transition for all!

World union leaders discuss future of base metals industries

14 October, 2022On 11 and 12 October, IndustriALL’s Base metals steering committee met online to discuss the future of the steel and aluminum industries in the face of a global crisis.

A trade union guide of practice for a Just Transition

13 October, 2022With the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, IndustriALL is publishing a trade union guide of practice for a Just Transition. The purpose of the guide is to support efforts by IndustriALL affiliates to plan, launch and win a strong Just Transition framework.

How to achieve a Just Transition in Turkey

12 October, 2022A joint workshop of industriAll Europe, IndustriALL Global Union and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation on 4-5 October in Ankara, explored the conditions for a Just Transition in Turkey, a country marked by problematic industrial relations and contradictory climate and industrial strategies. It underlined the need for strong trade union rights, worker involvement and social dialogue to achieve a Just Transition.

Genuine social dialogue needed for a Just Transition in Georgia

6 October, 2022On 1 October, IndustriALL held a National Round Table on a Just Transition to renewable energy in Tbilisi, Georgia, attended by representatives of three Georgian affiliates, leaders of major energy companies and the government.

Global mobilization against inequality on 7 October

3 October, 2022IndustriALL affiliates around the world are mobilizing for a day of action against inequality and for a just future on 7 October.

Solar and battery technologies are changing the employment landscape

29 September, 2022The Just Transition and the Energy Sector initiative provides a platform for unions around the world to exchange information on energy transition technologies and the jobs, skills, markets, investments, and emissions related to them. The ITUC, LO Norway and IndustriALL held a workshop on solar photovoltaic and battery technology as part of the initiative on 26 September.

United for a just future - time to pay up!

28 September, 2022The world is experiencing growing inequality. Unless we take action, we risk losing the gains we have made over the past century. For 7 October this year, World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL and affiliates are taking coordinated global action to demand a better future.