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IndustriALL’s Asia-Pacific affiliates meet in Kuala Lumpur

7 November, 2023IndustriALL’s proposed gender-based violence policy, cost of living crises, trade union violations and Just Transition were some of the agenda items debated at IndustriALL’s Asia Pacific women’s committee and executive committee meetings held in Kuala Lumpur on 30 and 31 October, respectively.

Brands commit to long-term future and expansion of International Accord

6 November, 2023Global trade unions and fashion brands and retailers have reached agreement on a new International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry. The renegotiated contract secures the work of the Accord until the end of the decade, strengthens the complaint mechanism for workers and includes commitments for an expansion into other countries.

Employers attack the right to strike

6 November, 2023IndustriALL, together with the ITUC and other global unions, are strongly pushing back against the proposal from the employers’ group ahead of the International Labour Conference in June to include a standard-setting item on the right to strike on the agenda.

Mining unions prioritize building power along critical minerals supply chains

30 October, 2023The IndustriALL mining sector conducted a three-day-round of global meetings elaborating the main agenda items surrounding the industry. The last meeting on 26 October 2023 gave a particular strategic attention to critical raw materials as they are at the front edge of the energy transition with opportunities and challenges to workers and their unions.  

Violation of trade union rights in Kyrgyzstan

25 October, 2023For several years, there has been a systematic campaign aimed at establishing state control over trade unions in Kyrgyzstan. Now, Kyrgyzstan’s secret service has visited the country’s union offices to seize the last ten years’ financial documents, in blatant contradiction of the Constitution of Kyrgyzstan and the ILO Conventions ratified by the country. 

South Korean unions challenge government at UN

24 October, 2023South Korean trade unions and civil society organizations, including IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the Korean Metal Workers’ Union, demonstrated at the Broken Chair in Geneva last week before making a submission at the UN Human Rights Committee.

We want a business and human rights treaty with stronger protections for workers

23 October, 2023This week, the UN negotiations for a business and human rights treaty will resume for its ninth session in Geneva, Switzerland. Together with the ITUC and the other global unions, IndustriALL are pushing for a legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

US brands must sign binding agreements to protect workers

19 October, 2023IndustriALL is working with affiliates and allies to promote supply chain industrial relations centred on workers’ rights and legally binding agreements with global brands and retailers. This contrasts with the prevailing voluntary, private auditing model which has not been protective of workers’ rights and has brought risk to companies and investors alike.

Thai workers demand Ratification of ILO Conventions 87 and 98

16 October, 2023On World Day for Decent Work, 7 October, approximately 800 trade unionists marched from the Democracy Monument to the United Nations office in Bangkok, calling for an end to precarious work, a stop to reforming the state enterprise and Ratification of ILO Conventions 87 and 98. 

Sweden must respect international law

4 October, 2023The situation for Belarusian union activists continues to deteriorate, mainly in the country, but also for those in exile. Leader of Free Metalworkers' Union Ala Tsvirko, who left the country in 2021 to avoid detention over her union activities, is now facing deportation from Sweden, putting her life in danger.