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Showing 51-60 of 178 results

Inditex suppliers from India meet to pledge social dialogue

20 June, 2018More than fifty Inditex textile and garment suppliers in India gathered in Bangalore and Delhi to ensure effective implementation of IndustriALL’s Global Framework Agreements (GFAs). 

IndustriALL and PSI sign global responsible employer agreement with EDF

29 May, 2018Today, global unions IndustriALL and PSI signed a global responsibility agreement with French electricity company EDF, covering all of EDF’s activities in 24 countries, combining compliance with international labour conventions. The agreement is designed to guarantee the development of a shared set of standards for the Group’s 160,000 employees whilst consolidating international social dialogue.

MENA: Textile unions continue to progress in organizing and bargaining

18 May, 2018IndustrtiALL Global Union‘s textile and garment affiliates from MENA region’s main producer countries Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco reported tangible progress in organizing and collective bargaining at a meeting at Tunisian capital, Tunis, on 3-4 May 2018. With renewed determination, affiliates developed further plans for important actions in the textile and garment supply chain. 

Executive Committee calls for greater solidarity

2 May, 2018The need for solidarity to defend trade union rights and challenge violations in global supply chains underlined discussions at IndustriALL’s Executive Committee Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on 26 and 27 April. 

Bulgaria: GFAs in garment sector promoting rights

11 April, 2018Global framework agreements (GFAs) were at the focus of a meeting led by the ILO in Sofia, Bulgaria, on industrial relations in the global supply chains entitled “Key Features of Social Dialogue and Cooperation at the Workplace: Rights and Responsibilities, Good Practices, and Benefits”.

Effective implementation of GFAs in the garment industry

27 March, 2018IndustriALL organized series of workshops to train union organizers and workers to take advantage and ensure effective implementation of IndustriALL’s Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) with garment producers H&M, Inditex and Tchibo.

IndustriALL, UNI and BWI sign global framework agreement with Stora Enso

19 January, 2018The three global unions today signed a global framework agreement (GFA) with the renewable materials company Stora Enso at the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, in the presence of ILO Director General Guy Ryder. Observer signatures were made by the presidents of the Swedish Paper Workers’ Union, the Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers’, and the Finnish Paper Workers’ Union.

Unions outraged over LafargeHolcim’s sudden u-turn on global commitments

10 January, 2018Global and national unions representing LafargeHolcim workers worldwide express their outrage over the company’s unilateral decision to back down from its signature of a global framework agreement designed to build positive industrial relations throughout the company.

Bangladesh: Garment unions trained for effective implementation of GFAs

1 November, 201762 trade union representatives, including 25 women union leaders, from various garment factories in Bangladesh participated in a training programme on the implementation of IndustriALL’s Global Framework Agreements with H&M, Inditex and Tchibo, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

IndustriALL signs Global Framework Agreement with Safran

18 October, 2017Today, IndustriALL, together with affiliates from French union federations CFE-CGC, CFDT, CGT and CGT-FO,  signed a global framework agreement with aerospace company Safran on working conditions, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.