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Showing 481-490 of 5745 results

More brands must sign the Accord – say global unions on 10th anniversary of Rana Plaza disaster

20 April, 2023On the tenth anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, the deadliest disaster in the history of the garment industry, IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union are calling on garment and textile brands to sign the International Accord to safeguard worker safety in Bangladesh, Pakistan and beyond.

Labour needs a stronger position in UN binding treaty

20 April, 2023Negotiations on a binding UN business and human rights treaty are already nine years in the making, with more rounds are to come. After the latest negotiations in October last year, global unions have provided written input stressing an increased prominence of labour rights and a strong liability mechanism.

Record wage increase for Japanese metal workers

19 April, 2023After wage negotiations in the sector, Japanese metalworkers’ unions have achieved an additional monthly wage increase of on average YEN8,407 (US$63), the highest since 2020.

Myanmar unions condemn EU garment sector initiative

18 April, 2023Trade unions in Myanmar condemn the EU-funded MADE in Myanmar project, which claims to support the garment manufacturing sector by replacing unions with employer-selected “workers’ representatives”. 

South Africa: 300,000 auto workers impacted by delayed wage deal

13 April, 2023IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) are concerned by the unnecessary delay in publishing auto sector agreement in the government gazette. This process ensures that the wage agreement is extended to non-parties. The delay has impacted over 300 000 workers at fuel stations, car dealerships, vehicle body builders, and component manufacturers. 

Ukrainian unions committed to peace and reconstruction

13 April, 2023On 11 April, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe held a joint strategy meeting in the Polish border town of Lancut with thirteen Ukrainian affiliates to plan future actions and activities to reinforce unity, solidarity and commitment for Ukraine. 

Thai unions urge government to ratify ILO Conventions 87 and 98

13 April, 2023Unions in Thailand are calling on the government to implement internationally recognized labour standards. However, the Thai government argues that the conventions cannot be ratified until domestic labour laws are amended and national security concerns addressed.

Indonesia passes emergency decree for Job Creation Law

12 April, 2023Unions in Indonesia publicly condemn the national parliament for passing the emergency decree for Job Creation, into law on 21 March 2023. Nation-wide protests are planned on May Day, over half million workers are expected to turn up.

Kazakhstan needs genuine social dialogue

11 April, 2023On 4-5 April, IndustriALL Global Union and the mining and metallurgical trade union Kazprofmetal held a joint strategic activity on union organizing in Astana, Kazakhstan, for union leaders and activists from most of the country's metallurgical operations.

Morocco: phosphate sector workers benefit from protocol agreement

11 April, 2023Workers’ financial improvement, new social gains like housing and social activities like sport, tourist activities and establishing workers’ clubs are some of the benefits that workers from Syndicat National des Travailleurs de Phosphates - SNTP-CDT will receive.