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Showing 481-490 of 703 results

Nissan rejects US government offer to mediate dispute with UAW

3 February, 2015Nissan Motor Company has refused a US government offer of mediation to resolve a longstanding dispute with the United Auto Workers (UAW) and IndustriALL Global Union over the company’s anti-union practices in the United States. The State Department-based US National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines said on Friday “the issues raised by UAW and IndustriALL are material and substantiated and merit further examination.”

CTM intimidate Teksid, Gunderson and Pytco workers at court hearing

29 January, 2015On 22 January, 350 thugs from the non-independent Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM) surrounded the Local Conciliation and Arbitration Board building in Monclova, Mexico. The board was dealing with a request by the National Miners’ Union (SNTMMSRM) to schedule a vote on which union should have collective bargaining rights at Gunderson, Teksid and Pytco.

Why won’t Roche stop the abuse of workers making their product?

22 January, 2015“Let me tell you four things: Do not record this. There will never be a union in this workplace. Leave the union now and get a 30 per cent pay rise. Stay in the union and get sacked.” This was the announcement made by Deva Holdings management to workers after the Turkish Labour Ministry ordered the company to recognize the workers’ trade union.

Workplace accident finally recognized

16 December, 2014For the last 13 years, distressed Colombian worker Rubén Montoya has been battling with Sura Insurance Company and Tenaris Tubo Caribe to get a pension and other benefits following a workplace accident leaving him unable to work. A settlement was finally made early December.

Murder exposes rampant sexism in South African mines

12 December, 2014A verdict of two life sentences handed down on 27 November 2014 nearly three years after miner Pinky  Mosiane’s rape and murder underground at Anglo Platinum’s Khomanani mine is only a partial victory as women still suffer systemic violence, exploitation and abuse in South Africa’s mines.

IndustriALL’s magazine out now!

4 December, 2014As recent mobilizations demonstrate the power of global solidarity, this edition of IndustriALL Global Union’s “Global Worker” looks at some significant union struggles and how global worker solidarity can make all the difference when facing these struggles.

PROFILE: Putting her life on the line for workers

2 December, 2014Mexican human rights lawyer, Alejandra Ancheita, has faced death threats and a personal smear campaign in defending the rights of workers, indigenous communities and migrants.

Brazil: Paper industry union president murdered

28 November, 2014Ozano Pereira da Silva, 77, president of the Guarulhos, Aruja and Itaquaquecetuba Union of Paper Industry Workers, was strangled at the union office.

Defining a labour strategy towards the garment industry

27 November, 2014A strong participation by IndustriALL affiliates at the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) Global Forum helped shape the future direction of the global network.

Eternit owners’ crime judged expired and non-prosecutable in Italy

27 November, 2014On 19 November 2014 the public prosecutor of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation has overturned the Turin court decision condemning the Swiss billionaire Stephan Schmidheiny, one of the owners of Eternit Group, claiming the sentence is not applicable because of the long period of time that has passed since the crime took place.