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Showing 4721-4730 of 5748 results

Agreement ends SL Garment strike in Cambodia

19 December, 2013IndustriALL affiliate C.CAWDU and SL Garment Processing sign an agreement to end a three-month long strike in Cambodia, including the re-hiring of 19 dismissed union representatives, payment of half of the lost wages and the removal of a newly appointed manager.

India: workers’ massive march to Parliament

19 December, 2013On 12 December, 200 000 workers rallied in Delhi, demanding, among other things, ratification of ILO Conventions 87 and 98.

IndustriALL affiliates continue their struggle to STOP precarious work

18 December, 20132013 is coming to an end. During this year IndustriALL affiliates have taken major actions to defend their labour rights and the rights of the precarious workers working alongside them.

IndustriALL Global Union signs worldwide social and environmental responsibility agreement with Solvay

17 December, 2013Today, IndustriALL Global Union and chemical group Solvay signed a social and environmental responsibility agreement. With the agreement Solvay commits to respect international social standards as defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Final call before Christmas for Swiss supermarkets to sign Accord

16 December, 2013Global labour leaders have come together in Switzerland to demand that supermarket chains Migros and Coop sign the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety before Christmas.

IndustriALL Global Union signs two new Global Framework Agreements

13 December, 2013During the course of two days IndustriALL Global Union signed as many Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) with leading companies in the pulp and paper industry; SCA in Sweden and Norske Skog in Norway.

African Development Bank adopts labour safeguards

13 December, 2013The African Development Bank (AfDB) has determined that all its borrowers must comply with ILO core labour standards and other requirements protecting workers.

IndustriALL Women’s Committee reviews women’s participation at sectoral meetings

12 December, 2013The IndustriALL Women’s Committee met on 3 December 2013 in Geneva and worked through a long agenda. One of the main points was a review of women’s participation at sectoral meetings. The women looked at the figures and found that there was considerable room for improvement.

Locked-out United Steelworkers rally at Neville Chemical

12 December, 2013USW Local 5032 rallied with their families and community supporters yesterday 11 December, denouncing the belligerence of employer Neville Chemical in locking out 105 workers and freezing their pensions.

International labour movement campaigns for oil workers in Kazakhstan

12 December, 2013On 10 December, Human Rights Day, national and global union organizations together with the Association for Human Rights in Central Asia and web resource LabourStart launched a campaign for release of seven oil workers held in custody since 2012.