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Showing 471-480 of 632 results

IndustriALL calls on Rolls-Royce to reinstate Korean unionists

26 March, 2015IndustriALL Global Union has called on Rolls-Royce Marine Korea in Busan to immediately reinstate 12 sacked trade unionists, after the city’s labour commission ruled the dismissals were unlawful.

Ontario government opens inquiry into 18-month strike at Crown Holdings

17 March, 2015IndustriALL Global Union joins its North American affiliate, the United Steelworkers (USW), in welcoming the decision of the Ontario Government to open an inquiry into an 18-month strike over wages and conditions at Crown Holdings in Toronto.

CTM goons viciously assault Mexican miners’ organizer

11 March, 2015A union activist of the IndustriALL Mexican affiliate National Miners’ Union SNTMMSRM, also known as Los Mineros, has been severely beaten at the Gunderson railcar plant owned by the Greenbrier companies in Monclova, Coahuila state of Mexico.

Woman worker raped at South African mine

10 March, 2015A suspect has been arrested and appeared at a South African court this morning following the rape of a female worker at the Thembelani mine in Rustenburg on Sunday.

Australian company does the dirty on Botswana miners

5 March, 2015Australian listed mining company, Discovery Metals Limited (DML), has locked out 422 workers and abandoned its Boseto Copper Mine, using help from the Botswana police force.

Severe union busting in Georgia

26 February, 2015Georgia’s leading mining company, Rich Minerals Group (RMG) is coming down on IndustriALL affiliate Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers’ Union (TUMMCIWG) at their gold and copper operations.

Global fight for workers’ rights continues at Crown Holdings

5 February, 2015IndustriALL Global Union stands firm with Crown workers all over the world fighting for their rights against the unscrupulous US-based multinational packaging producer.

Cambodia – one year on violence continues

6 January, 2015A year after five people were shot dead by police and 40 more were severely injured during wage protests in Phnom Penh on 3 January 2014, unionists in Cambodia are still being subjected to violence.   

Murder exposes rampant sexism in South African mines

12 December, 2014A verdict of two life sentences handed down on 27 November 2014 nearly three years after miner Pinky  Mosiane’s rape and murder underground at Anglo Platinum’s Khomanani mine is only a partial victory as women still suffer systemic violence, exploitation and abuse in South Africa’s mines.

Eternit owners’ crime judged expired and non-prosecutable in Italy

27 November, 2014On 19 November 2014 the public prosecutor of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation has overturned the Turin court decision condemning the Swiss billionaire Stephan Schmidheiny, one of the owners of Eternit Group, claiming the sentence is not applicable because of the long period of time that has passed since the crime took place.