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Showing 451-460 of 609 results

Uruguayan unions march for rights and decent pay

4 November, 2015With banners, placards and T-shirts bearing the movement’s slogans, IndustriALL’s Uruguayan affiliates (UNTMRA, UOC and FOPCU) and other trade unions (SUNCA, SIMA, FOEMYA, SUA -AGUJA, SUTMA and SUTCRA) marched in defence of their labour rights, including decent pay, education and health and safety.

More workers killed in Bangladeshi shipbreaking yard

26 October, 2015On 20 October another major accident happened in a Chittagong shipbreaking yard, this time killing three workers. IndustriALL Global Union campaigns to clean up this industry, the world’s most dangerous to work in.

Four union members killed ship breaking in Bangladesh

17 September, 2015A 5 September deadly accident at the Shital yard in Chittagong underlined the importance of the global campaign for ratification of the Hong Kong Convention, aimed at making perilous ship breaking jobs safer.

Workers killed making clothes for Primark, TOPMAN, Burton, New Look, River Island

14 September, 2015Four workers died and sixteen were injured when the roof of a garment factory collapsed on 5 September in Lahore, Pakistan. The factory was operating in a poorly constructed building and producing for Primark, TOPMAN, Burton, New Look and River Island.

Georgian workers demand justice

2 September, 2015After a destructive neo-liberal period in the 2000s, the new Georgian government has introduced some improvements on workers’ rights, but there is still a long road ahead. IndustriALL’s leadership recently visited the country to support the active campaigns of its three affiliates and the Georgian Trade Union Confederation (GTUC) on organizing, collective bargaining and health and safety.

IndustriALL signs an open letter to Samsung

26 August, 2015On behalf of a newly formed global justice and human rights network, leaders from a wide range of civil society organizations from in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America, have released an open letter to Kwon oh hyun, CEO of Samsung Electronics. The key demand is that the South Korean technology giant adopts the recent recommendations of a prestigious Mediation Committee.

Argentina textile unions unite to campaign against precarious work

24 August, 2015Five textile industry unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union have agreed to join forces to campaign against precarious work in the sector, following a meeting in Buenos Aires on 11 August. 

Female mine workers – colleagues not sex objects

13 August, 2015Women working in South African mines are subject to sexual harassment and abuse from male colleagues, says Phumeza Mgengo from IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM).

IndustriALL in solidarity with Arauco workers in Argentina

13 August, 2015Following dismissals and arrests at the hands of Arauco Argentina, workers from the SOEP trade union are demanding the reinstatement of their colleagues and better working conditions. IndustriALL Global Union supports the fight for their rights. 

Kenyan unions prioritize organizing

11 August, 2015Affiliates in Kenya and the Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) pledged support for the project on aimed at organizing, addressing precarious work and advocating for better occupational health and safety.