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Showing 4411-4420 of 5831 results

Korea: planned actions 2014

6 October, 2014On 7 October IndustriALL affiliate Korean Metal Workers' Union plans a mass rally of precarious workers and flash mobs jointly with KCTU in Seoul where workers will be calling on the "Real Employer

Uruguay: planned actions 2014

3 October, 2014On 07 October in Uruguay, all IndustriALL affiliates jointly with other unions will hold a conference to discuss the issue of precarious work, also a special publication analizing about deveelopmen

Precarious workers exposed to higher health and safety risks

2 October, 2014Three of the four workers killed last week at a mine in Indonesia partially owned by Rio Tinto were precarious workers. Next Tuesday, on 07 October, IndustriALL affiliates at Rio Tinto will join the global Campaign to “STOP Precarious Work” to demand that Rio Tinto respects workers’ rights, provides a safe workplace and stops undermining jobs through the use of precarious work.

Indonesia: another four workers killed at Freeport, Rio Tinto Grasberg mine

2 October, 2014IndustriALL Global Union condemns Freeport McMoRan and Rio Tinto for the loss of yet another four innocent lives.

Soma mine was death trap, report shows

2 October, 2014A scathing official report into the Soma mining disaster in Turkey has revealed a catalogue of negligent practices and a complete disregard for worker safety. The comprehensive analysis shows warning sensors were ignored, safety reports fabricated and ventilation systems faulty. Three hundred and one miners were killed in the tragedy in May.

Arab women strengthen network to fight for rights

2 October, 2014On the eve of the Congress to found the Arab Trade Union Confederation ATUC, a new regional organization belonging to the ITUC, the Arab Women’s Network met in Amman on 27 and 28 September 2014. The meeting discussed ATUC gender policy and passed in review women’s rights in the Arab world.

Three textile unions form women’s committee in Lesotho

1 October, 2014“I want to work in a safe place and have a good salary and enough rest.” This was the testimonial from one young woman who participated in the meeting in Maseru on 24 and 25 September 2014.

Unions criticize proposed trade deals

1 October, 2014IndustriALL Global Union affiliates United Steelworkers (USW), representing workers in the US and Canada and Unite the Union from the UK, collectively Workers Uniting, have declared their opposition to a number of provisions in the proposed Canada and EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). Although repeatedly criticized by the trade union movement, the provisions still remain.

Global campaign defeats union-busting attack at NXP

29 September, 2014International trade union solidarity flexed its muscles over the last five months in defence of NXP workers under attack in the Philippines. The campaign succeeded in overturning this company’s union-busting attack. A new labour agreement with major gains was signed on 26 September.

Victory for Foxconn workers in Brazil

29 September, 2014Workers at Foxconn’s second plant in Jundiaí, Brazil have succeeded in attaining the same salary and career opportunities as employees in the company’s other major plant in the city.