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Showing 441-450 of 457 results

Historic victory for trade union freedom in Myanmar

6 September, 2012IndustriALL Global Union rejoices as, after a lifelong campaign, trade unions restart operations inside Myanmar. The Federation of Trade Unions of Myanmar (FTUM) General Secretary Maung Maung returned to Rangoon on 4 September, after a 24-year exile in Bangkok.

Olympic hosts sign communiqué to promote respect for human rights

30 August, 2012A joint human rights communiqué was signed today by the governments of the four countries holding the current and next three summer and winter Olympics (the UK, Russia, Brazil and Korea).

Improving working conditions in Philippines EPZs

22 August, 2012IndustriALL Global Union and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) affiliates met with sportswear brands and suppliers in Cebu, the Philippines, on 17 August to discuss the barriers to workers’ rights in the Mactan Economic Zone, and explore possibilities for improving working conditions in the Zone.

Sri Lanka should learn from J Crew’s exit

3 August, 2012The recent decision by US retailer J Crew to pull future orders from its Sri Lankan supplier Mirrai PVT Ltd. after the manufacturer refused to correct serious violations is sending a message to the industry that codes of conduct can be more than paper tigers.

Philippines union movement fights against precarious work

2 August, 201216 trade unions in the Philippines representing textile, garment, metal, auto, electronics, cement and mining industries joined hands to develop an Action Plan against Contract and Agency Labour/Precarious Employment in July.

Light the Flame for workers’ rights!

27 July, 2012The Olympic games commence today and IndustriALL Global Union is calling on all affiliates to take part in a Play Fair e-action to light the flame for workers’ rights.

Demand reinstatement of union members at Togo Footwear in Turkey

26 July, 2012Act now and send a message to Togo Footwear demanding the reinstatement of 35 workers dismissed for joining Deri-Is (Leather Workers’ Union of Turkey).

Brands must support collective bargaining in collegiate supplier factory

24 July, 2012IndustriALL Global Union and the ITUC have sent a joint letter to Nike and Adidas calling on them to take immediate action to protect an extremely fragile industrial relations situation at Honduran supplier, Pinehurst Manufacturing.

Peru textile unions step up campaign against short-term contracts

20 July, 2012Two Peruvian textile workers’ federations are launching an ‘adopt a Congress person’ campaign as part of their efforts to end a law which has condemned workers to a lifetime of short-term contracts in appalling working conditions.

Argentinean industrial unions create industrial confederation

19 July, 2012Industrial trade unions in Argentina representing workers in the mechanical engineering, metalworking, construction and textile sectors have formed the Confederation of Industrial Trade Unions of Argentina (Confederación de Sindicatos Industriales de la Republica Argentina).