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Showing 4381-4390 of 5749 results

Abuses by Apple’s supplier NXP get worse in the Philippines

28 August, 2014Apple will launch the much-anticipated iPhone 6 from September, but a key component comes from NXP Semiconductors. Both NXP and Apple are ignoring their corporate and moral responsibility for 24 sacked trade union leaders in the Philippines.

IndustriALL launches new Day of Action to STOP Precarious Work

28 August, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is calling on all affiliates to once again mobilize their members to STOP Precarious Work, in conjunction with the World Day for Decent Work on 7 October 2014.

Toxic spill at Grupo Mexico copper mine

28 August, 2014IndustriALL Global Union Mexican affiliate Los Mineros is calling for an independent enquiry into a toxic spill earlier this month that caused serious environmental damage at one of the world’s largest copper mines. IndustriALL, which is campaigning for sustainable economic policy, supports the call.

Desperate fight for recognition of workplace accident

28 August, 2014For the last 13 years, distressed Colombian worker Rubén Montoya has been battling with Sura Insurance Company and Tenaris Tubo Caribe to get a pension and other benefits following a workplace accident. On 23 August, Ruben Montoya again tried to commit suicide.

Guatemala Ternium union wins major victory

28 August, 2014Dismissed union leaders at the Ternium steel plant in Guatemala – ranked as one of the world’s worst countries for workers - have won a major victory in their two-year struggle to uphold the right to organize.

Building union power in Latin America's textile sector

27 August, 2014Trade union leaders in the textile, garment, leather and footwear sectors in Latin America came together in Brazil earlier this month to discuss how to use global framework agreements and trade union networks to build union power.

Australian unions protest denial of visas to dismissed Ansell workers

26 August, 2014Unions held a rally outside of Ansell’s Australian headquarters following the denial of entry visas to a delegation of Sri Lankan union members. The Australian government denied the visas in an apparent attempt to shield glove and condom maker Ansell from public exposure of its harsh and unjust treatment of its workers in Sri Lanka.

Capacity building in Egypt

21 August, 2014During a series of seminars in Egypt, independent unions and IndustriALL affiliates called upon the government to adopt workers' suggested amendments to the drafted Labour Law.

Trainees win equal treatment at auto parts producer in India

21 August, 2014Thanks to the commitment of the Plastic Omnium Varroc Kamgar Sangathna trade union, member of the IndustriALL Indian affiliate Shramik Ekta Mahasangh (SEM), workers of the auto parts producer employed as trainees will be granted the same rights and benefits as their colleagues on permanent contracts.

Madagascar: IndustriALL supports drive to organize, educate and fight back at Rio Tinto

21 August, 2014IndustriALL Global Union, together with its affiliate, FISEMA, held a workshop on 8 August focused on organizing Rio Tinto’s workers and subcontractors at the company’s mineral sand mine operation QMM in Fort Dauphin, Madagascar.