Building women’s power in the Philippines4 November, 2014The newly formed women’s committee of IndustriALL Global Union Philippine affiliates, the Women’s Unity Group has declared a proactive role and participation in policy and union decision-making structures at the global, regional, and at the national and workplace level.
BHP Billiton and Glencore Xstrata workers in Peru prepare for strike4 November, 2014Union members at the Antamina mine in Peru have decided to start an indefinite strike on 10 November in support of demands for improvements in working conditions and a greater share of company profits. The union is affiliated to the National Miners’ Federation (FNTMMSRP).
Scabs cause suspected chemical leak while skilled steelworkers still locked out4 November, 2014The Honeywell management in Metropolis, Illinois is risking the safety of the local community to attack its employees’ union rights. Rejecting good faith bargaining with USW Local 7-669, management instead has locked out 150 USW members for the last three months.
This is what exploitation looks like3 November, 2014As the exploitation of garment workers in Mauritius comes under fresh scrutiny in a British newspaper, the reality is in fact worse than reported says IndustriALL Global Union.
Union glass networks reinforce cooperation 3 November, 2014One of the major issues in the glass sector is to ensure a sustainable industrial production not only in Europe, but all over the world. Trade union representatives from thirteen countries and three major glass multinational corporations (MNC) last week met in Korea to discuss their future work in the sector.
IndustriALL Women’s committee formed in Malaysia 3 November, 2014In a move to recognize the role of women, a women’s committee with affiliates from IndustriALL Global Union was formed on 28 October in Malaysia. The Committee is governed by the IndustriAll Malaysian Council (IMC) and aims to look closer at economic, social and legal issues affecting women workers in Malaysia.
USW ratifies master agreement with RockTenn 3 November, 2014IndustriALL Global Union affiliate United Steelworkers (USW) has confirmed that members of 61 local unions at RockTenn facilities across the country by a large margin voted to ratify their first-ever master economic and security agreement that sets wage, pension, health insurance, health and safety and other provisions for about 6,000 workers.
Our work continues to STOP Precarious Work31 October, 2014Here at IndustriALL, our team leads the work on all five continents to build global union power by organizing and growth, defending workers' rights and fighting against precarious work.
Time for Rio Tinto to end dead silence on Grasberg fatalities31 October, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is calling on Rio Tinto to speak publicly about what it will do to end the string of deaths at the Grasberg mine in Indonesia. The mine is now facing a strike over safety concerns.
Brave struggle of Iraqi energy unions inspires the movement30 October, 2014IndustriALL’s partner organization AFL-CIO Solidarity Center this month released an important report on the status of Freedom of Association in Iraq's electricity sector. The report finds that new trade unions in the electricity industry have been central to building new union structures and achieving significant gains for workers especially in the public sector.