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Showing 421-430 of 512 results

Swaziland union merge for unity and strength

16 September, 2013Ten unions in Swaziland have successfully come together to form Amalgamated Trade Unions of Swaziland, Atuswa. The merger builds greater unity amongst workers in the manufacturing sector.

Miners strike at CODELCO in Chile

12 September, 2013The Copper Workers’ Federation (FTC), affiliated to IndustriALL, has given its full backing to workers at the El Salvador Division of CODELCO Chile, who are on a legal strike to safeguard the division’s future.

Goldminers begin strike in South Africa

4 September, 2013Over 80,000 members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in gold mining sector in South Africa launch an indefinite strike as of 3rd September demanding a decent wage increase and rejecting the pittance offered by employers.

A Rio Tinto Classic: Trade Union Rights violation and Dismissal of thousands in Mongolia

20 August, 2013Mass dismissals have taken place at Rio Tinto operations in Mongolia at OT LLC and in Madagascar at QMM. IndustriALL strongly condemns the company’s behaviour and total lack of respect for workers’ rights.

IndustriALL Global Union readies to pull the trigger on Rio Tinto

11 July, 2013At the end of June thirty mining union delegates from across the world at Rio Tinto operations met in Johannesburg to map out a global campaign strategy, marking a significant milestone in the process towards the launch of a campaign against the corporation.

Colombia: “The extermination of the union will not stop”

28 June, 2013In the middle of negotiations between SINTRAMIENERGETICA and the multinational company Drummond for a new collective agreement, four Colombian trade union leaders have received death threats. In recent months, paramilitaries have threatened trade unionists during labour disputes.

Global unions put PWCS on notice

24 June, 2013Global union federations the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and IndustriALL Global Union have put Port Waratah Coal Services (PWCS) – a major coal exporter based in Australia’s Port of Newcastle – on notice that its drastic failure to consult its workforce is being watched around the world. The company is currently being targeted with action following its attempts to dramatically alter working agreements.

International premiere of “Working Class Heroes”

11 June, 2013FNV Mondiaal will screen the international premiere of “Working Class Heroes”, at the ILO on 13 June, a documentary uncovering the struggles of trade unionists in Indonesia and Colombia.

Russia ratifies ILO Convention 176 on mining safety

3 June, 2013On 21 May the State Duma, the Russian parliament’s lower house, ratified ILO Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines. This is the result of many years’ sustained effort of the trade union movement.

Rio Tinto complicit in Grasberg mine accident

31 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union is appalled at the deafening silence of Rio Tinto on the deadly Grasberg copper mine accident that has claimed the lives of 28 mine workers.