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Showing 421-430 of 667 results

Indonesian garment unions set for organizing drive

15 January, 2016IndustriALL Global Union Indonesian garment and textile affiliates, Garteks and SPN, are actively preparing for an intensive year of organizing in 2016. 

INTERVIEW: Hashmeya Alsaadawe

14 January, 2016Hashmeya Alsaadawe is president of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the General Union of Electricity Workers and Technicians in Basra (GUEWT), and a member of IndustriALL’s Executive Committee representing workers in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2003, she became the first woman in Iraq to be voted leader of a national union, and is believed to be the first woman to lead a union anywhere in the Arabic-speaking world.

Alcoa – forcing crew off ship in Australia and closing plants in the US

14 January, 2016In the middle of the night on 13 January, 30 security guards boarded the Alcoa motor vessel Portland to remove five union crewmembers and escort foreign seafarers on to the ship that immediately left for Singapore.

Women affiliates trained in Myanmar

6 January, 2016Some 68 women leaders and members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in the textile, garment and mining industries in Myanmar have been trained in team-building and leadership skills. 

Applications open for Global Labour University

5 January, 2016The Global Labour University (GLU) is inviting applications for its courses as 2016 begins. 

Iraq: building capacity for new labour law

21 December, 2015After a decade-long national and international campaign, the Iraqi parliament earlier this year adopted a new labour code. Unions in the country are now building their capacity to work in accordance with the new law.

IndustriALL welcomes new Somali oil union

17 December, 2015Cooperation and efforts of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), IndustriALL Global Union and its Norwegian affiliate Industri Energi brought a fantastic result in Somalia. The first union uniting petroleum and gas workers saw the light during the founding national congress on 13-14 December 2015.

IndustriALL Global Union supports Cambodian workers at ExCo in Phnom Penh

10 December, 2015Around 200 delegates from IndustriALL Global Union met in Phnom Penh on 9 - 10 December for the Executive Committee. The meeting was held in Cambodia as a show of support for the country’s 600,000 garment workers.

Inviting Bolivian unions to join IndustriALL activities

9 December, 2015In November, IndustriALL carried out a fact-finding mission to Bolivia to meet with the country’s unions.

IndustriALL Global Union supports Cambodian workers

9 December, 2015Trade union struggles around the world, living wages, collective bargaining and expressing support for the Cambodian workers, are issues on the agenda as around 200 delegates from IndustriALL Global Union gather in Phnom Penh on 9 - 10 December for Executive Committee meetings. The garment industry employs 600,000 workers in Cambodia. As part of its global action towards living wages in the sector, IndustriALL is working with its eight Cambodian affiliates to push for higher wages.