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Showing 4061-4070 of 5875 results

Lesotho unions merge

3 June, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates organising predominantly in Lesotho’s textile and garment sector merged on 31 May to form a new union, the Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho (IDUL). 

Global network formed to fight anti-union behaviour at Huhtamäki

3 June, 2015Unions from Huhtamäki plants around the world met in Helsinki on 1 June to establish a global trade union network. There are currently a number of disputes between the employer and workers at Huhtamäki's packinging operations, in countries including India, Turkey, and the United States.

Strike ends in victory for Israeli chemical workers

3 June, 2015Israeli trade union, Histadrut, has succeeded in saving hundreds of chemical workers’ jobs in an agreement reached on 28 May, bringing an end to a four-month-long strike.

Mauritius – learning to organize in the supply chain

2 June, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Mauritius met to discuss ways to organize in the garment industry supply chain.

Blame for Rana Plaza runs far and wide

2 June, 2015Culpability for the Rana Plaza disaster, which killed more than 1,100 people and injured 2,500, is widespread, says IndustriALL Global Union as the owner of the factory complex and 41 other people have been charged with murder over the building’s collapse in Bangladesh two years ago. 

"Spy in the cab" dispute settled

2 June, 2015The dispute over a tracker device in the vehicles of employees working at the Finnish-owned lift firm Kone in the UK has been successfully settled and the strike has been called off.

Red armbands for wage increases in Myanmar

1 June, 2015Using red armbands as a powerful symbol, workers in Myanmar have succeeded in achieving pay rises without stopping production.   

Fashion’s True Cost is at workers’ expense

1 June, 2015The latest exposé of the global fashion industry ‘The True Cost’, released on 29 May, once again shines the spotlight on the appalling conditions faced by the workers that produce our clothes.

IndustriALL executives decide on global action

29 May, 2015Almost 200 participants gathered in Stockholm for IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee on 19-20 May, endorsing action on living wages, organizing, trade union rights and precarious work around the world.

“Precarious work increases inequality and poverty”

29 May, 2015Recent reports from both the ILO and the OECD reveal a shift from the standard employment model to an increased use of precarious work. This is linked to a rise in income inequality.