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Showing 41-50 of 74 results

Still no justice, ten years after the Pasta de Conchos homicide

18 February, 2016Ten years after the mining homicide at Pasta de Conchos, Mexico, the government has still not conducted a thorough investigation into the real causes of the disaster, brought those responsible to justice, recovered the bodies or compensated the families of the victims.

Brazil – mining flood destroys everything in its way

24 November, 2015IndustriALL offers its solidarity to the residents and workers of Mariana, Brazil, victims of the environmental disaster caused by the collapse of a dam at a mine owned by Samarco Mineração S.A. The tide of toxic sludge has killed nine people, flora and fauna, and 19 people are still missing. 

CUT youth in Brazil discuss racial equality

4 November, 2015Forty young workers from the industrial sector met on 22-24 October to discuss racial equality. The movement needs to pursue this issue in order to promote equality and reduce discrimination.

Argentina textile unions unite to campaign against precarious work

24 August, 2015Five textile industry unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union have agreed to join forces to campaign against precarious work in the sector, following a meeting in Buenos Aires on 11 August. 

We demand clean elections!

29 July, 2015Legal action concerning the four-year old dispute over collective bargaining rights at Honda’s plant in Mexico has still not been resolved and the company continues with its anti-trade union policy, which includes victimizing union members.

A decisive week for Glencore workers in Peru

21 July, 2015Two unions affiliated to the FNTMMSRP (National Miners’ Federation of Peru), which is in turn affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, face a decisive week in Peru. SUTRACOMASA (Union of Antamina Workers) will begin talks with Antamina on 21 July and SITRAMINA will meet representatives of Antapaccay S.A on 24 July to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. Both companies are partly owned  by Glencore.

Fatality at Gerdau plant in Uruguay

21 July, 2015Nery Alvarez was killed in a workplace accident at the Gerdau-Laisa steel plant in Uruguay on 14 July. IndustriALL Global Union extends its sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues.

Gerdau Workers’ World Council undertakes to improve situation in each country

25 June, 2015From 19 to 22 May, the Gerdau Workers’ World Council held its eighth meeting in Peru. The delegates assessed the progress made since the last meeting and agreed on the need for experience sharing to carry out the negotiations required to improve workers’ situation in each country.

Glencore-Prodeco ordered to pay 60,023 million pesos for changing mining contract

19 May, 2015Glencore-Prodeco, the former Colombian minister of mines and energy, Hernán Martínez and two Ingeominas officials were ordered to pay 60.023 million pesos for changing a large-scale mining project contract which resulted in lower royalties being paid to the Colombian government.

Mines in Colombia still unsafe

19 May, 2015On 13 May, 15 miners died after being trapped in a flooded gold mine in Riosucio, Colombia. After either an explosion inside the mine or cut-off the electricity supply, the pumps stopped working and the mine was flooded. Mine owner, Leonardo Mejía, said that 15 of the 80 miners working in the mine were killed.