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Showing 41-49 of 49 results

Promoting labour rights in Bangladesh

19 March, 2013IndustriALL’s campaign to improve labour rights, minimum wages and fire safety in Bangladesh continues. Discussions with the government, employers and foreign garment brands and retailers have progressed, but there is a long way to go to ensure a sustainable future and creation of new decent jobs.

Global institutions need to support job creation

22 February, 2013IndustriALL and other global unions are calling on the IMF, the World Bank and the G20 to support sustainable growth and job creation, instead of promoting austerity and labour market deregulation policies that destroy jobs and increase inequality.

Mobilizing for social justice

22 January, 2013The citizens of the world want affordable health care, pensions, education, childcare and security against unemployment. Unions have to be political actors and mobilize to fight for an economic and social model that puts people first.

Organizing is the base of our power

18 December, 2012Only 7 per cent of the world’s workforce is organized in free and independent trade unions. IndustriALL will therefore launch a global organizing project to build our power throughout strategic supply chains.

Build solidarity with union networks and global agreements

20 November, 2012IndustriALL’s founding congress in June defined as one of our main missions to challenge the power of multinational companies at the global level. Trade union networks and global framework agreements are key tools for building solidarity.

Unions fight back against explosion of agency labour

1 October, 2012Agency work is expanding massively throughout the world, replacing permanent, direct employment and undermining international labour standards.

The true cost of cheap clothes

18 July, 2012Last week United States Senators expressed dismay and outrage to learn that the uniforms for American Olympians were produced in China. But this is not new. For years unrestrained globalization has seen textile and clothing multinationals race to the bottom in the search for cheaper and cheaper production.

Jyrki Raina's speech to the Foreign Press Association, London

26 June, 2012One week after the creation of IndustriALL Global Union, General Secretary Jyrki Raina announces to the Foreign Press Association his intention of shining a light on Rio Tinto’s unethical behavior around the world, starting with the release of a report on the company’s operations in Africa.

Introducing the Action Plan of IndustriALL Global Union

14 June, 2012General Secretary Jyrki Raina's address to the Founding Congress of IndustriALL Global Union.