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Showing 41-50 of 432 results

Zimbabwe energy workers in stayaway over poverty wages

24 February, 2022Zimbabwean energy workers have written to their employer, the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA), stating that they are no longer able to report for work because of poverty wages.

Unions call for policy intervention to save jobs at South African oil and gas refineries

17 February, 2022With several oil and gas refineries closing and further closures planned, unions are calling on the South African government to intervene to save jobs.

Nigerian government abandons petrol price hike as unions mobilize

1 February, 2022Just as it appeared that the federal government of Nigeria and the unions, with their civil society allies, were heading for a collision course on the announced fuel price increase, the government backtracked on the eve of national protests.

Morocco: workers take action for oil refinery

26 January, 2022On 18 January, around 250 workers at Samir oil refinery marched the 1,200 metres from company headquarters to the coastal road to highlight the workers’ precarious situation after the company stopped production more than six years ago due to a failed privatization deal. Workers are calling for government intervention to save the refinery and their jobs.

ENGIE renews agreement with three global unions

20 January, 2022The French multinational utilities giant ENGIE today renewed a global framework agreement (GFA) with the global union federations IndustriALL, BWI, and PSI, as well as with the representative French trade unions (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT and FO).

Building union power in the renewables supply chain

10 December, 2021Millions of new jobs are being created in the renewable energy supply chain, in sectors represented by IndustriALL. How do unions make sure that these new jobs are good jobs?

IndustriALL and PSI renew global agreement with EDF

10 December, 2021On 29 November 2021, the two global union federations, IndustriALL Global Union and Public Services International, signed a two-year extension of the global framework agreement (GFA) with the French energy multinational EDF. The GFA is now valid until July 2024.

WEBINAR: building union power in renewables

24 November, 2021Less than a month after COP26, IndustriALL Global Union is hosting a webinar on 9 December on the renewable energy supply chain and the key objective of increasing union power to ensure a Just Transition for workers. 

Unions uneasy over South African Just Transition finance deal announced at COP26

4 November, 2021South African trade unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) are supportive of a Just Transition partnership that is inclusive of the workers and poor communities through social dialogue, protects jobs and livelihoods, and promotes a socially owned renewable energy sector.

French electricity and gas workers mobilize for their rights

21 October, 2021French unions FNME-CGT, FCE-CFDT, CFE-CGC Energies and FO Energie took action on 19 October, to fight back against social regression and attacks on pension and unemployment insurance schemes, as well as to demand higher wages.