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Showing 41-46 of 46 results

Striking miners in Iran are released

4 September, 20145,000 striking miners in Iran went back to work on 3 September after the nine arrested workers were released, and the authorities made a verbal promise to stop privatization of the mine.

IndustriALL demands release of arrested Iranian miners

2 September, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is calling on the Iranian President to release nine miners arrested on 19 August for striking at the Bafgh Iron Ore Mine in Yazd, Iran.

Update: Shahabi released to civilian hospital

31 July, 2014It has been confirmed that Reza Shahabi, the imprisoned Iranian trade unionist and prisoner of conscience, has called off his hunger strike following his release on medical grounds to a civilian hospital on 11 July.

Take action to release Iranian trade union leader

21 July, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is calling on affiliates to support the campaign by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) to release jailed Iranian trade union leader Reza Shahabi.

Arrested striking miners released but the struggle continues

12 February, 2014All 28 striking miners detained by the Iranian authorities at the Chadormalu Mine in the central province of Yazd have been released and the strike has been called off. However with major issues unresolved it could easily restart in the near future.

IndustriALL protests arrests of striking miners in Iran

5 February, 2014Over 20 striking miners and their leaders have been arrested in Iran despite their action being legal – even under the repressive political environment and labour legislation of the country.