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Showing 41-50 of 190 results

Steelworkers’ resistance secures better contract at Dow Chemical

9 October, 2019Determined resistance by members of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, United Steelworkers (USW), pays off as the union wins annual wage increases and other improvements in a new contract with wholly-owned Dow Chemical subsidiary, Rohm and Haas Texas. 

Workers at Google contractor to join union

25 September, 2019IndustriALL US affiliate United Steelworkers (USW) announced yesterday that they are welcoming around 80 tech workers employed by Google contractor HCL Technologies as new members. The HCL workers voted to join the union despite of a company-led anti-union campaign.

Anti-union tactics at Google contractor

20 September, 2019United Steelworkers (USW) is calling on HCL Technologies to stop trying to defeat the workers’ campaign to organize and bargain collectively for better, more secure jobs at Google’s Pittsburgh offices, after the Google contract workers announced their intention to join USW in August.

Nearly 50,000 UAW workers strike at General Motors in US

18 September, 2019Almost 50,000 UAW members have stopped work in more than 50 General Motors plants across the US in the largest strike in the country’s auto sector in over a decade.

Kumho Tire workers in USA vote to join USW

10 September, 2019Workers at Kumho Tire, in Macon, Georgia, have voted to join IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the United Steelworkers (USW), after a judge ruled the company had violated workers’ rights during an initial election two years ago. 

Global dialogue needed at Deere and Caterpillar

18 July, 2019Union leaders representing workers at worldwide operations of both Deere & Company and Caterpillar repeated their call on the multinational machinery-makers to engage in social dialogue on a global level at meetings in Detroit, USA.

UAW loses election at VW Chattanooga by narrow margin

18 June, 2019Just as in 2014, right wing politicians, pressure groups, the company and union busting law firms invested all they could to prevent IndustriALL affiliate UAW from winning the union elections at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.

US judge orders new union vote at Kumho Tire

28 May, 2019In a significant victory for IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the United Steelworkers (USW), a judge has ruled that a new union vote must take place at Kumho Tire in Georgia, USA, after it found the company violated workers’ rights.

Lockout continues at Dow Texas chemical plant

22 May, 2019Members of IndustriALL affiliate the United Steelworkers (USW) Local 13-1 have been locked out of a chemical plant owned by Dow in Deer Park, near Houston, Texas, for more than a month.

Unions stage global protest against Kimberly-Clark

10 April, 2019Global unions IndustriALL and UNI, are holding a day of action on 11 April against Kimberly-Clark’s restructuring plans and the company’s contempt for unions and workers around the world.