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Showing 41-50 of 162 results

Fighting for workers’ rights in South East Asia

14 September, 2020Unions in South East Asia are planning ahead for defending workers’ rights through struggle and advocacy, institutionalizing safety and health concerns in collective agreements, and building capacity for women and youth.

South East Asia cement unions struggle for jobs and income at COVID-19 crisis

7 September, 2020Covid-19 has brought a lot of challenges for cement unions in South East Asia, including government attacks on workers’ rights, suspended trade union registrations, and increasing precarious employment conditions. 

Unions urge Indonesian government not to drop labour rights

26 August, 2020On 25 August, thousands of Indonesian unionists staged concurrent rallies across the country, calling on the Indonesian government to drop the manpower cluster from Omnibus bill on job creation.

Indonesia garment and textile unions sign joint declaration with employers

20 August, 2020A joint commitment on promoting safety and health, the welfare of workers and business sustainability was signed by four garment and textile unions and three employer associations in Indonesia on 6 August 2020 during an online meeting.

Support picketing Indonesian paper workers

20 August, 2020You and your union can join the global demand for 38 sacked paper workers in Indonesia to get their jobs back.

Indonesian unions oppose Omnibus Bill

12 August, 2020Indonesian unions are concerned that the new bill on job creation will be rushed through while parliament is in recess, and will undermine workers’ rights.

Protesting paper workers in Indonesia brutally dispersed by police

12 August, 2020In the early morning of 8 August 2020, the Indonesian police brutally dispersed 50 members of the Federation of Indonesian Pulp and Paper Workers Union (FSP2KI) who were carrying out a blockade in front of PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper (PTTEL) in Lampung Province.

Fighting precarious work in Indonesia's oil and gas sector

1 July, 2020Indonesian oil and gas workers are fighting precarious work through legal action and an organizing drive, amid the coronavirus outbreak and economic downturn.

Goodyear sacks 44 union members in Indonesia without cause

15 June, 2020IndustriALL Global Union and its affiliates observe a concerning trend against workers in the operations of US-based tyre-maker Goodyear worldwide. This includes unilateral decisions on plant closures, bad faith bargaining practices, dismissal of workers without justified reasons, violation of fundamental rights and disrespect of industrial relations.

Indonesian paper workers fighting for their jobs

12 June, 2020Management of the large pulp and paper company PT Tanjungenim Lestari is facing international outcry for allowing union busting of its workforce. The unionized handlers have worked for up to 20 years loading pulp and paper at different stages along the production line.