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Showing 41-48 of 48 results

Italian unions protest against 1,425 layoffs at Indesit

12 June, 2013The Italian trade unions protest against the reorganization announced by the company early in June.

Global solidarity ensures union at auto supplier in Turkey

28 February, 2013Global solidarity support and 3 Global Framework Agreements assisted Birlesik Metal Is in securing union recognition at Fontana Pietro, an auto supplier plant in Turkey.

Unions at Tenaris take action on Mexico

10 February, 2013Unions at Tenaris plants will be handing out leaflets on workers' rights in Mexico on the days of action 18 to 24 February 2013.

International Works Committee established at Indesit

29 November, 2012On 15 November unions and management of Italian-based producer of domestic appliances, Indesit, jointly established the Global Committee.

Unions secure employment at Indesit in Italy

16 October, 2012A long fight started by the workers in May 2012 against the closure of an Indesit factory in None, Italy has been finalized with an agreement signed between unions representing workers of None plant and Indesit.

IndustriAll Europe takes protest to FIAT’s door

14 September, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s sister organization, IndustriAll European Union, mobilized workers of the Italian auto giant FIAT in a 400-strong demonstration that blocked the company’s headquarters on 7 September. Demonstrators denounced the proposed restructuring of FIAT’s bus and truck maker IVECO that threatens over 1,000 jobs in Europe.

Alcoa union network supports Italian workers’ fight against plant closure

6 September, 2012IndustriALL’s Alcoa global union network has pledged support to workers in Portovesme in Italy fighting for the future of their plant. Unions representing workers in the plant have been working around the clock to find ways to keep the workers’ jobs.

Union members celebrate victory at FIAT

27 June, 2012On 21 June 2012 the Italian federation of metalworkers FIOM-CGIL celebrated victory after the Court of Rome ruled that FIAT had discriminated against 145 workers at its factory in Pomigliano, near Napples and demanded their immediate reinstatement by the employer.