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Eastern European affiliates meet to build strength in steel and mining

15 June, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine met in Batumi, Georgia on 4 and 5 June to discuss strategies to strengthen collective bargaining in the steel and mining industries.

Severe union busting in Georgia

26 February, 2015Georgia’s leading mining company, Rich Minerals Group (RMG) is coming down on IndustriALL affiliate Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers’ Union (TUMMCIWG) at their gold and copper operations.

Georgia: Mineworkers fight against severe union-busting

12 February, 2015The management of RMG Copper and RMG Gold, mining enterprises located in Kazreti, Georgia, began a fight against the Trade Union of Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers of Georgia (TUMMCIWG), an affiliate of IndustriALL. As a result of the union busting, 120 workers have withdrawn from the union within the last few days.


8 October, 2014On 7 October, IndustriALL affiliates held various actions in Georgia to commemorate the Global day of action to STOP Precarious Work

Georgian miners win after long strike

26 March, 2014Mining workers of Georgia win after 40-days strike an increase in salaries and get their demands on reinstatement of dismissed colleagues satisfied.

Georgian miners continue to struggle

3 March, 2014In Georgia the employees of RMG Gold and RMG Copper have been on strike for nearly three weeks demanding better working conditions, salary increase and reinstatement of 184 fired workers.

Georgian miners to go on strike

10 February, 2014The miners of RMG Gold and RMG Copper in Georgia announced their plan to go on strike after the management refused to fulfill their obligations according to the agreement signed in November 2013. The management replied with dismissals.

GEORGIA: successful organizing in difficult conditions

27 November, 2013With its abridged 2006 Labour Code, subject to an ILO complaint, and multiple rights violations, Georgia is a difficult place for union organizing. And yet, in just three years the Trade Union of Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers of Georgia (TUMMCIWG) has more than tripled its membership.

Georgia Actions

14 October, 2013In conjunction with the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October 2013, Trade Union of Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers of Georgia mobilized the local trade union members at the entrance of the metallurgical factory of GTM Group and held a protest action in village Argveta, Zestafoni, Georgia.

Union under attack at GTM Group in Georgia

29 August, 2013IndustriALL protests anti-union stance of GTM Group in Georgia. The company fired several union activists immediately after the creation of the union.