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Showing 41-50 of 162 results

#14J: massive general strike in Brazil

17 June, 2019At a general strike in Brazil on 14 June, an estimated 45 million workers across the country mobilized in protest of the government's continued attacks on their rights.

Young unionists hold second international exchange in Brazil

6 June, 2019Young unionists from Latin America, the Caribbean and Germany organized their second annual international exchange meeting in Brazil. They shared and debated their plans of union building, organizing and training for youth in their unions.

Tenaris Brazil reverses dismissals after strike

5 June, 2019Workers at Tenaris Confab in Brazil began strike action on 20 May after the steel-pipe producer fired 25 workers. As a result, the company reversed the dismissals a day later and agreed to negotiate with the union on the workers’ future.

Global #FreeLula protests

11 April, 2019Demonstrations have been held around the world calling for justice and freedom for Brazil's former president Lula da Silva.

ArcelorMittal unions aim for stronger global dialogue

11 April, 2019Unions from around the world at the world’s largest steel company ArcelorMittal resolved at a meeting in Rio de Janeiro to deepen their global relationship with the company to address continuing challenges.

Living under the threat of bursting mining dams

10 April, 2019Barely 500 metres separates the first houses in the Rio do Peixe neighbourhood of Itabira and the fifth largest mining dam in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. “If anything happens to the dam, we won’t have time for anything. We have been told it is a matter of seconds. We are risking our lives by staying here. If I could I would leave here immediately,” says Claudinei Ferreira, a 32-year-old mechanic who has lived in this town of 120,000 inhabitants for five years.

Brazil: protests against Ford plant closure

14 March, 2019Workers at the Ford Motor Company plant in São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, are continuing their campaign to keep the plant open and save their jobs.

Unions in solidarity with victims of Brumadinho dam disaster

28 February, 2019Unions in Brazil carried out an "act of resistance for the victims of Vale's crime in Brumadinho". A month after the deadly dam collapse, they demanded to know the causes of the tragedy to prevent it from happening again.

Trade unions in Brazil campaign against pension reforms

19 February, 2019On 20 February, trade unions in Brazil will hold a national day to support universal, public social security and condemn plans to destroy the country's pension system.

Brazilian metalworkers announce global action against General Motors’ threats

8 February, 2019Brazilian metalworkers came up with a plan of action at their meeting in São Paulo on 1 February. They agreed to take global action against the threats made by General Motors and to participate in campaigns in support of retirement and the victims of the Brumadinho dam disaster.