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Showing 41-48 of 48 results

Argentinian unions mobilize to mark Mexico days of action

28 February, 2013Unions of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate council in Argentina demonstrated on 22 February at the Mexican Embassy in Buenos Aires.

Unions at Tenaris take action on Mexico

10 February, 2013Unions at Tenaris plants will be handing out leaflets on workers' rights in Mexico on the days of action 18 to 24 February 2013.

Unions at Gerdau take action on Mexico

10 February, 2013Unions at Gerdau plants will be handing out leaflets on workers' rights in Mexico on the days of action 18 to 24 February 2013.

ILO issues recommendations to Russia and Belarus

22 November, 2012The International Labour Organization's Committee on Freedom of Association issued recommendations to Russia and Belarus on cases 2758 and 2090 initiated on the basis of complaints submitted by national unions with the support of IndustriALL Global Union.


11 October, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP Precarious Work

Argentinian rubber workers with 23% salary hike

20 September, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s Argentinian affiliate SUTNA achieved 23 per cent net salary increases for members at the three tyre manufacturers operating in the country, Pirelli, Firestone and Fate.

More than 100 workers dismissed at Honduran company distributing Caterpillar equipment

25 July, 2012The union representing workers at CEMCOL has denounced the company’s anti-trade union attitude and requested solidarity.

Argentinean industrial unions create industrial confederation

19 July, 2012Industrial trade unions in Argentina representing workers in the mechanical engineering, metalworking, construction and textile sectors have formed the Confederation of Industrial Trade Unions of Argentina (Confederación de Sindicatos Industriales de la Republica Argentina).