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Showing 41-50 of 272 results

Record wage increase for Japanese metal workers

19 April, 2023After wage negotiations in the sector, Japanese metalworkers’ unions have achieved an additional monthly wage increase of on average YEN8,407 (US$63), the highest since 2020.

Unions negotiate a 28 per cent minimum wage increase

20 March, 2023Unions in Pakistan's Punjab province, including IndustriALL affiliates, have successfully negotiated a 28 per cent raise in the minimum wage for workers employed across 102 industries in the province.

Union solidarity leads to significant pay rise

13 February, 2023Unions at Chinese-owned ZiJin Bor copper mine in Serbia has signed a collective agreement with a 15 per cent wage increase. The win was made possible through strong solidarity among all unions and workers in the company.

Union power yields collective bargaining agreements

19 January, 2023Unions in India’s Pune region, who are members of IndustriALL affiliate Shramik Ekta Mahasangh, signed nine collective bargaining agreements with multinational companies in 2022.

Striking workers in Turkey achieve 84 per cent wage increase

11 January, 2023After striking for 18 days, workers at Bekaert in Izmit, Turkey, have achieved an astounding 84 per cent pay rise.

Bulgarian workers in STS Medical Group signs first collective agreement

15 December, 2022On 28 November, after many rounds of negotiations, multinational STS Medical Group and IndustriALL affiliate the Federation of Light Industry, signed their first collective agreement. The signing took place four days after a protest rally where hundreds of workers demanded adequate pay for their work.

International Safety Accord that made history in Bangladesh expands to Pakistan

14 December, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union, two key drivers of the historic Bangladesh Accord, are proud to announce the extension of the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry to Pakistan. The ground-breaking International Accord that over the past nine years made jobs safer for millions of garment workers in Bangladesh is now going to be extended to Pakistan.

Union wins against ArcelorMittal's attempt to stifle right to strike

8 December, 2022As one of the ways to stop workers from going on strike, ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA) applied to the essential services committee (ESC) to declare the manufacturing, supply and distribution of steel as an essential service. But the committee ruled otherwise, and in favour of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA).

Court rules that Zheng Yong Swaziland must deduct and remit union dues

3 November, 2022When Zheng Yong Swaziland unilaterally decided to stop deducting union dues for 1,276 workers as part of the garment maker’s anti-union behaviour, the Amalgamated Trade Union of Swaziland (ATUSWA) immediately launched a court challenge.

Garment company in Indonesia reinstates union leader

1 November, 2022PT Tainan Enterprises in Indonesia are reinstating a woman union leader that was sacked over bogus claims earlier this year.