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Showing 41-50 of 389 results

United and in action for a Just Future

14 October, 2022In a webinar, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe pledged to fight the rising inequality and cost of living crisis by building trade union power and increasing union density and bargaining power. Both organisations are mobilizing this autumn.

Inditex global union committee fighting for workers in the supply chain

7 October, 2022The Inditex global union committee was established following provisions in the global framework agreement signed in 2019. The committee aims to share best practices across the industry in promoting the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining and increase local unions’ involvement in the application of the GFA.

On the 15th anniversary of their Global Framework Agreement, Inditex and IndustriALL reaffirm commitment with a new protocol

3 October, 2022Over the past 15 years, almost 3 million people around the world have benefitted from better working conditions as a result of the Global Framework Agreement between Inditex and IndustriALL Global Union. A world first, the agreement is still a benchmark in the defence of decent work in global supply chains. Commemorating the anniversary, both parties are signing a new protocol reinforcing their commitment to continue engaging in mature industrial relations safeguarding worker well being.

Tunis declaration calls for inclusion of labour provisions in the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement

29 September, 2022The Tunis declaration, adopted on 27 September by trade unions from 39 African countries stresses the inclusion of labour provisions in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement to ensure compliance with international labour standards and the decent work agenda.

United for a just future - time to pay up!

28 September, 2022The world is experiencing growing inequality. Unless we take action, we risk losing the gains we have made over the past century. For 7 October this year, World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL and affiliates are taking coordinated global action to demand a better future.

OECD Steel Committee: workers demand a Just Transition!

22 September, 2022IndustriALL Global Union, industriAll Europe and TUAC call on OECD Steel Committee to take action now to ensure that no steelworker is left behind.

Solidarity with locked out workers at Ash Grove, Canada

21 September, 2022A group of 150 members of Unifor local at Joliet Ash Grove, owned by Irish cement giant CRH, in Quebec, Canada, have been locked out since May last year. With the employer refusing to engage with the union and using scab labour, there is no end in sight to the conflict.

Responsible business not possible in Myanmar: report

16 September, 2022A long-awaited independent report has confirmed IndustriALL Global Union’s position that it is not possible to conduct responsible business in Myanmar. IndustriALL has written once again to brands sourcing from Myanmar, urging them to begin negotiations on a responsible exit.

South Asia’s wage crisis

14 September, 2022Workers across the globe face soaring inflation, supply chain disruptions and a climate crisis. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the inflation rate in March 2022 was more than double that of March 2021.

Baseline expectations for asset managers on fundamental labour rights

13 July, 2022The Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC) has released its baseline expectations for asset managers on fundamental labour rights. Developed by trade unions and pension fund board members as part of the CWC Asset Manager Accountability Initiative, the expectations will help asset owners hold the asset managers they contract accountable on fundamental labour rights.