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Showing 381-390 of 512 results

IndustriALL urges investors to demand the truth from Rio Tinto

23 June, 2014IndustriALL is urging investors to demand the truth from mining and metals giant Rio Tinto about its pattern of conflict.

Ukrainian miners demand wage increase

19 June, 2014Workers of EVRAZ Sukhaya Balka JSC in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, are demanding a doubling of wages. If management fails to agree, workers are prepared to go on strike.

Unions seek deferral of Brazil Mining Code

18 June, 2014The issue of sustainability is at the heart of efforts on the part of Brazilian unions to halt the adoption of a controversial new mining law pending a process of public consultation. Brazilian unions as well social and environmental groups are united in their attempt to postpone the vote on the mining code, which they say lacks legitimacy.

Prestigious Norwegian award for Mexican trade union struggle

13 June, 2014At the ceremony for the Arthur Svensson International Prize for trade union rights in Oslo, winner Napoleón Gómez Urrutia’s wife accepted the award on his behalf. With death threats and arrest orders hanging over his head, the Mexican trade union leader remained in Canada.

Union mobilizes against BHP Billiton job cuts in Colombia

11 June, 2014Multinationals are often accused of having a tin ear for the plight of workers, an attitude very much in evidence this week than in the way BHP Billiton is slashing jobs at its Cerro Matoso nickel mine in Colombia.

Campaign for mine safety in Turkey targets precarious work

29 May, 2014Turkish unions have been vociferous in their campaign against illegal and irresponsible outsourcing and subcontracting in the country on the occasion of the Soma industrial homicide.

Government support for a living wage in Zambia

22 May, 2014Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda told the Mineworkers Union of Zambia (MUZ) that he will not sign any collective agreement negotiated by unions if it does not improve workers salary above the poverty line.

IndustriALL on the offensive for Turkey mine safety

20 May, 2014The status quo must end in the global mining industry. The 301 miners murdered in Soma, Manisa, Turkey on 13 May would still be alive if the Turkish government and employers had put workers’ lives before profits. IndustriALL Global Union is taking action to push for urgent change to a dangerous industry.

Rising death toll turns mine accident in Turkey to carnage

14 May, 2014IndustriALL Global Union and its worldwide family mourn the deaths of hundreds of mineworkers in Soma, Manisa province in Western Turkey. As of the time of writing, 205 miners are dead and more than 80 are hospitalized. Rescue efforts continue to safeguard hundreds more miners trapped underground. Oxygen is still being pumped into the mine, however hopes are diminishing.

Rio Tinto slammed for slipping safety standards at Melbourne AGM

12 May, 2014Rio Tinto is notorious for its union bashing tactics and abuse of precarious workers. Along with a protest outside, Australian unions CFMEU and AWU took the floor at Rio Tinto’s annual general meeting in Melbourne on 8 May, slamming the company’s poor safety standards and unfair practices.