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Showing 371-380 of 478 results

Sweden Actions

8 October, 2013IF Metall: On 7 October IF Metall presented two new films on the importance of being a trade union member and about the national contract for temporary agency workers.

Indonesian IndustriALL Council Creates Women's Committee

24 September, 2013On 22 September 2013 the IndustriALL Council created a women's committee in Jakarta. The women took the opportunity to plan their activity on 7 October where they intend to go to the Ministry of Manpower with a delegation of 100 women to demand decent work and to demand that more attention be paid to women's issues.

German unions curb precarious work

18 September, 2013As preparation for the global action to STOP Precarious Work moves full steam ahead, German unions set a new benchmark for agency worker wages.

Thai unions make a big step towards unity

10 September, 2013Since the formation of IndustriALL Global Union, IndustriALL affiliates in Thailand have jointly started a series of discussions to strengthen the Thai union movement, in an effort to unite the Thai labour movement and fight precarious work in all its forms.

Unions plan to take global action on 7 October

29 August, 2013October 7 is fast approaching and already many IndustriALL Global Union affiliates are preparing to take action in support of the global IndustriALL campaign to STOP Precarious Work.

Day of demonstrations in Brazil to demand regulation of outsourcing

8 August, 2013The Brazilian trade union centrals demonstrate against proposed new Law 4.330, which would make working conditions even more precarious than they are already. IndustriALL supports its affiliates in the fight against subcontracting in Brazil.

The fight against outsourcing continues in Brazil

18 July, 2013In the current context of social mobilization in Brazil, affiliates continue actions against the adoption of a bill that advocates for a more flexible labour market. On 17 July, IndustriALL’s Brazilian affiliates met to further discuss the struggle to stop precarious work.

The triangular trap

14 July, 2013Unions take action against agency labour

Nupeng issues ultimatum over unfair labour practises

27 June, 2013Nupeng plans to strike on Monday 1 July if government does not respond to their demands to address anti-union and unfair labour practices of multinationals, in particular Shell Petroleum Development Company, Chevron Nigeria Limited and Agip Oil Company.

STOP Precarious Work Materials

14 June, 2013Download posters and Leaflets for the STOP Precarious Work campaign here